Monday, March 10, 2014

DisneyWorld Day 3 - Hollywood Studios

So I believe I forgot about an extremely strange end of our first day in the parks.  When we returned from the Magic Kingdom the previous night, TWO Disney cast members were waiting at our room (4109), and informed us that due to some maintenance issues, we were being moved to another room.  When they saw the strange look on our face, they then informed us that all of our luggage and stuff had been moved to room 4210 (6th floor, make sense yet...).  Still in a daze of not understanding what was going on, we walked up to 4210 with the Disney cast members to find our room almost in exactly the same condition.  We were told that they tried to put everything in the same place it was in the previous room.  When asked if we could come down and make sure they got everything, they said for us to just let them know if anything was missing, and they would send someone to get it out of the room.  Hmmm...strange.  So something happened and it seemed crazy because they still had two people in our room that looked like they were waiting for us to erupt or something.  But we were just a little I did ask why they didn't upgrade us to a magic kingdom view, he said he tried.  Then came the magic I was looking for...for this inconvenience, we were given three extra Fast Passes for the next day at Hollywood Studios.  And we needed them.  

Fast Pass Plans for the day
  • Toy Story (11:10 AM)
  • Little Mermaid Show (12:50 PM)
  • Star Tours (2:50 PM)
As you notice above, no fast pass for Rockin Roller Coaster or Tower of Terror...No problemo, we got super fastpasses.  Good for any additional three rides.  

Supper Reservations - Prime Time Cafe (4:15 PM)

That is Pat Morita from the Karate Kid, so we practiced the crane kick.  Today was an Aurora princess day for the girls.  We were able to visit with Princess Sofia the first.  And Belle was so happy she was there, and laughed when Sofia and Jake (from the neverland pirates) walked off for a break together...holding hands.  We purchased some bling for our magic bands (Yes, Disney has thought of every way possible to get money from you).  Side note:  Magan said she overheard the boys talking about toys they wanted, and Davis told Sam that things were just way too expensive at Walmart.  Sam replied, at least its not as bad as Disney.

At the Disney Jr show, it still amazes me how much kids like bubbles.  Bubbles from the ceiling is like some kind of trigger for them to start going crazy...then throw in some confetti...did I mention it was golden confetti that needed to come home with us.  What??

Belle rode her first Big Kid ride, and she LOVED star tours.  We rode twice taking advantage of the rider Swap.  Our first ride had Princess Leia, and the second had a hologram Yoda.  I knew Big Kid rides would be different with my sweet little girl when flying through a galaxy far far away, and hearing from Leia that "We were her only hope"...Belle looked up at me and said "She is so pretty".  :)  I also learned on this trip that I had to keep Sam in front of me and Davis behind or vice versa...cause those boys can pester the fire out of one another.  :)

At the prime time cafe (Set in the 50s), our waiter quickly warned us about having our elbows on the table.  He made the kids set the table with the napkins and utensils.  And when the food came, they were told they better eat their vegetables.  I saw one waitress cutting up the kids chicken for them.  Pretty fun, and we got dessert because at least I cleaned my plate.  But even the 50s Prime Time waiter had a magical futuristic device to help charge our bill to my magic band.

So can you tell what Sam's new favorite ride is...I was a little scared getting him on the Rockin Roller Coaster, because this is an actual BIG KID coaster.  And he was bouncing to get back on that ride.  I mean bouncing.  We strategically used both our bonus fastpasses and Mom and Belles fastpasses for this ride.  And Sam and Davis rode the Tower of Terror...And Davis was a bad idea...He started screaming about the time the elevator door shut, and did not stop until it opened again.  Very bad...funny now, bad then.

We made it back to the Toy Story Mania (80 minute wait), but 0 minutes with bonus fastpasses.  Rode that, then headed back towards the gate.  Having to wait for a bus was horrible, we felt like we should have been picked up curbside to be taken back to our hotel.  Kidding, we weren't that spoilt...yet.

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