Monday, March 17, 2014

DisneyWorld Day 10 - Chef Mickey's and The Drive Home

We began our morning getting packed up to leave.  I am always wondering how we are going to fit in the van but we always do.  

We met a family from Chicago waiting for our seat at Chef Mickey's, and I think Davis introduced us to them as he was chilling in this seat he made for himself.  We had a really cool area with a nice view and kind of secluded area that gave us some good times with all of the characters.  It was a great way to end such a dream vacation.  Truly met all expectations.  This is the way to stay if you got the dough (or if your company helps with some of the bill).  And I am happy to say that this is the last of these blogs for this trip...which makes me very happy.

On the way home we thought we lost Pooh Bear, but found him several days later wedged into the middle of the van.  

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