Friday, March 14, 2014

DisneyWorld Day 7 - EPCOT

Fastpasses for the Day
I don't know and can't remember, but just know that we rode Testtrack that night

Today was an Ariel princess day, and Belle was very proud of her tail.  Magan said that morning, she sat out by the railing waving her tail and singing to all.  

In the American Adventure, Magan said they lost track of our princess Ariel, only to find her in the middle of that giant rotunda dancing and singing as Ariel.

I was able to meet up with the clan for dinner in Mexico, and later got to ride the mexico boat ride with the kids.  And Belle and I rode spaceship Earth together, and found out that we would like traveling in flying cars or something like that.

Belle had surprised us by her excitement on the "fast" rides, so we decided to take a chance and let her go with us on TestTrack.  And to my surprise (and after having to return Davis to Magan...he would not have any of it) she just laughed and smiled the whole ride.  At the moment we were about to go outside for the 60 MPH banking curves, I told he she should raise her hands.  She did just that and giggled right through that ride.  Funny girl.  You can see in the Testtrack picture with me and Sam that she was also holding a mickey sticker through the whole experience.  Davis was able to make it the next ride (rider swap), and Belle braved it out again with Sam.

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