Friday, May 27, 2016

Out and About...

So most of these are pre-disney, but just random moments from around the house...

Ruby washed her hands with mouthwash...she is into EVERYTHING!

Mrs. Pam came and ate with all of the children at school. 

At the park, Ruby kept holding that little finger up saying "One more time Daddy".  And my big girl Belle after dad teaching her about having to push herself abit...fell from the monkey bars crying that she couldn't do it.  I brushed her knee off and told her she could do it if she really tried.  Me and Ruby were at a different area swinging, and I saw her eyeing the monkey bars again, then off she went...All the way across.  The video is cute, she had a little dance when she got to the other side. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

End of the School Year

So if I can remember, I think I have the blog book dedication already...Ms. Nicole Fincher.  Davis loved his 3rd grade teacher, and she had two turtles that he got to play with every day in her class.  We then got a message from Ms. Fincher that she was not planning to take the turtles with her to a new class, and asked if Dave could take care of them.  Never have seen a boy smile so much as when we pulled up to her house in a surprise visit...he guessed pretty quick what we were there for, and was bouncing with excitement.  And now "Fred" and "Maui" live in his room.  

Sam had a good year, and I think had some good buddies in class with him.  Brody and Trae are the ones he mentions the most. 

And our sweet Kindergartener made it through her first year.  Her best friend is Hannah. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Cub Scout Graduation

Davis is officially a Webelo (WE'll BE LOyal Scouts) now, and since Sam is in the boy scouts, plans are that I can now be his den leader...  We planned a fun way to "Wrap Up" the year, by wrapping the current den leaders in toilet paper.  We had lots of fun.  Sam now has his meetings on the same nights, so we don't get to have him with us.  

Disney...the lily white pictures...

The key is you take your awesome photographer on the Disney trip with you...