Sunday, May 1, 2016

Cub Scout campout (Camp Seminole - Starkville, MS)

So, the pictures below are somewhat out of order, which frustrates me, but anyway, that was a great campout, and one we didn't know if it was going to happen.  On our way over to Starkville, MS, we drove through HEAVY thunderstorms, then some HAIL.  Little scary, but I was watching the weather radar, and it looked like there was a break in the storms around we took a little break at the Little Dooeys and enjoyed a nice supper of awesome pork.  We arrived late at the campsite, but during a break in the rain, so we were able to set up dry, and keep everything dry.  Just a little rain that night...and the next day the storms basically parted and went around us...pretty amazing.  Anyway, we got to go fishing TWICE, and Sam caught one big'un.  Davis did not have luck, but we had fun anyway.  We toured a scout museum, then had a hike along alligator alley, and finally found our fishing spot.  Sam brought his tent and slept right outside our big tent.  This was going to be Belle's first camping trip, but she was a little sick...and it looked like she had more fun at Nanny's party anyway.  We had a flag retirement ceremony, and slept through some more rain the next night. 
Sunday morning, as usual, me and the boys were up early and had everything packed early.  We had an early morning devotional, then headed off as the rain began to POUR!  We made it to Gordo for worship with Ralph Jr and family.  Then had a good time eating lunch and visiting with them and Aunt Judy that afternoon.  More rain on the way home, and thankful for safe trip...many cars on the side of the road that were not so safe.  Scary ride back.  But glad for another fun campout with these boys.

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