Friday, May 13, 2016

DISNEY - DAY 7 (The Magic Kingdom)

Wow, I was dragging on this day...remember the two rides of Mission to Space on the previous day...well that came back to haunt me at about 2am on this Friday morning.  I was feeling very light-headed, and woke up to run to the bathroom to finally get that puke in.  But we have had some long days and I did not want to bother I slipped into the living room.  Then not wanting things to get bad, and not knowing where Magan had put my Dramamine medicine, and not wanting to wake Magan up...I decided to head to Walmart.  Walmart is not so busy on 2:30am...even in Orlando.  I quickly found the medicine ( least that is what it said) and popped in two as soon as I got them.  And made it back home with no problems, looking to slip into the house and back into bed without bothering Magan.  That is about the time I realized I did not bring the key to the house with me.  So after running through many various James Bond-like options, I realized I only had one option.  I walked over to the bedroom window and knocked on the window until Magan woke up then came to the door to let me in.  Oh well. 
So the next morning, and I am STRUGGLING...Magan could tell, but Ruby also fell to sleep early, so I went with the older ones for some rides.  In one of the Space Mountain pics I really almost fell asleep...I mean I could have sat against the wall and passed out...I was that tired.  Anyway, I finally got my second wind, and was able to pull through on this final day.
So a few stories that I was able to capture during my half sleep walking...Davis got 169000 points on Buzz Lightyear...doubling everyone else.  Check out Magan's lightyear picture, she is going to hate that I added that, but it looked so funny.  And a quote from the previous day at EPCOT after Sam drank 3 orange sodas and a large chocolate milk...he was explaining to his brother not realizing Magan and I were listening about the proper way to prevent throwing up..."All you need to do is #2 then burp"...That is the key my friends.
So none of us were picked for the laugh factory, but just in case you haven't heard.  Why did Adele cross the road?  To say "Hello from the other side".  I like that.  We finally finished the park in Tomorrowland, watched way to much of the Carousel of Progress as people kept exiting and we had to watch scenes twice, finished least level 1, ate a great lunch at the Plaza restuarant, let Ruby ride her first roller oaster (loved it), Davis was super excited he was finally tall enough to drive the indy car by his self, played at tom sawyers island, magan took that little girl and let her ride It's a small world again, ate caseys while we waited for the nighttime parade, and saw a cool new show displayed on the castle.  

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