Monday, July 4, 2016

July the 4th Celebrations

What a great July the 4th weekend.  We spent time with family, with church friends, with scout friends, and then as a family.  All the cousins were together at Granny and Granddaddy's.  And look at that shirt on, that guy is patriotic.  I think I was able to get John and Colby juggling a little better by the end of the day, and we had a great kickball game.   I remember many a baseball game in this "field", and fun to see those boys and girls running the "bases (rocks)".  Ellie seems to get most of the attention and deservedly so...
Then later Davis went over to Katie's to play with Cornelius, and he tells the story later that as he sat in a seat petting the dog, he heard some hissing, then looking about 5 feet to his left, was a large snake curled up.  He backed away, jumped the fence, and got Mark.  Then we put together a posse to go round that snake up.  I think it ended up Colby holding it down with a spade, as John cut the head off...I think that was it.  Anyway, poor Dave was a little shook up over it, and I can see why after seeing the size of that snake. 


The next night was the Big Kaboom.  Davis had a speaking role in telling the crowd about retiring flags.  We got to see all the mayoral candidates IN PERSON, but did not get any autographs.  I think Tony Picklesimer won the kids votes by handing got it...pickles.  Ruby had a little balloon dog that made her happy then sad when he popped.  We then moved over to our normal spot to watch the fireworks.  Crowded into the back of the vehicles and had cake and juice boxes.

And finally, back at home the next night, we shot some fireworks.  The kids love the Air Artillery, and each caught one, with one ending up on the usual.  Ruby has a love hate relationship with the fireworks, loving the colors, but NOT the noise.  "Sam holdju" she would ask her big brother. 

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