Saturday, July 16, 2016

Road Trip - Day 2 (Stone Mountain)

So our first night was a struggle on the double beds, with Sam falling out at one point to a large injuries on this fall though.  But the next morning we woke up to an awesome breakfast buffet.  Then Magan dropped Sam, Davis and I off to climb the mountain.  We made it up with little trouble...many others were also making the trek, and I don't know if some of them were going to make it.  Anyway, we made it to the top, took a couple of pictures, then headed back down to meet the girls at the Barn.
After a quick visit to the barn, we headed to see the Chicago Boyzz (An America's Got Talent top 10 show that is now touring all over the world).  These guys were pretty cool and did some amazing gymnastics.  We had sat on the very front row for this show, and I then they asked for a volunteer.  As I was looking over at Davis to see if he would volunteer, random stranger next to me on the other side said "Pick Him".  They wanted a tall guy, and as I turned to random stranger to let her know I am not that tall nor do I appreciate you volunteering me...I looked on stage to see guy with mic looking at me and saying "We have our volunteer".  So on stage they had me stand in front of a trampoline and they jumped over me doing flips, then they placed a 12 year old on my shoulders for another round of flips.  This would have all been pretty cool, and made for a good video...but the only part Magan and the kids seem to remember is in the middle where I got to bust a move with the Chicago Boyzz...I remember seeing them move to the music, and my hands were trying to do it, but my legs did not seem to be moving right, then thinking I had the beat down, I started dancing with a lasso motion.   After seeing the video, I am pretty sure I did not have the beat down as well as it was in my head.  At least the family got many many many laughs out of it...and later in the day when we were parking our stroller near another couple, she looked at me and said "Oh, There's Scott".  My stage presence was at least memorable. 

Little Ruby loved getting to see the duck.  Magan and the kids tried the "Tator Twists" which was a potato twisted around a hot dog.  The girls played in the geyser tower getting very wet, while the boys tried the skyhike again.  A rainstorm stopped our visit to stone mountain, so we went back to the hotel to enjoy the pool.  At the pool, all I can remember is more emotional scars from Magan making fun of my paleness...on top of my dance skills.  And EVERYWHERE we went Ruby would ask "We go swimming?" she was very happy at the end of this day. 

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