Friday, December 31, 2021

Thru the Holidays...

 OK...Lots of memories ending up the year...Here we go!  A visit with cousins...Me and Sam went thru the neighborhood for some rocks to build a new firepit.  Davis and Sam had it going for two days straight and knocking out a large portion of Magan's favorite brush mountain in the backyard...We saw the new spiderman movie at the theater, which has prompted us to go back and watch the old spiderman movies...Lots of fun with our elves, Christopher Popinkins and Snowflake...Florida College winter camp fun for Sam and Davis...The Cloutier Christmas Light Show...Sam's mentor Rick May brought us a full fried turkey for Christmas (And Tiny Tim says "God bless us, Every one")...Scout Christmas party...Ladies mentoring gathering to hear lady telling stories...Ruby Christmas party...Small Group gatherings...Daddy with his girls day at the galleria to look for presents for Magan.  We also picked up a new Build a Bear friend.  We had our normal japanese chicken, and could not leave without Auntie Annie's pretzels.  This has got to happen every year, as those girls are perfect to help buy presents for mom...Diedra's birthday party...Southern Nuclear luncheon at Barber Motorsports...Ruby stopped biting her nails, so she would get to go get her nails done.

Ruby was taking a test and she told Magan "it scratched me".  Ok magan, the text is good here, but I need more to remember when I write these later.  :)  Ruby, Belle?  Anything?

Magan and the girls were excited to go to a family wedding, but when she told Marcia to hold her a seat, she will be there in 10 minutes, Marcia replied "The wedding began 10 minutes ago".  So, in typical Magan fashion, she was very late and missed the whole wedding.  But then when she arrived, they had to park by a dumpster.  Ruby was very upset because she thought they could not go to the reception if they missed the wedding.  They walked into the wedding in time to see the wedding party all looking at them, so they ran to the bathroom to avoid the wedding party.  It is also my understanding that the bride and groom were about 1 hour late to the reception because they had to go to a bedroom for ... something.  I think Ruby sneezed somewhere in this story, and full bugger came out.  Where was I at during all this?  I have no idea.