Sunday, December 26, 2021

A Caroling We Will Go

So a suggestion was made during a small group meeting that we should take the youth around to our shut-ins to sing some songs.  And by the next Sunday, we had a plan, we had some songs, we had some youth, so off we went.  We did this after Sunday services, so we all met for lunch at Panera.  Then broke into two groups, where it turns out that the older youth would rather be separate from the younger youth.  We were able to visit with and carol about 10 shut in widows or couples, and it was really great to see many of them that we have not seen in over a year.  

I did learn at the first house, that if you start "Blue Skies and Rainbows" really high, it gets ugly quick.  Somehow the other group got three song leaders, while our group was stuck with the C team of me and Johnny Dean.  I also had another goof by sharing with Mrs. Pat Wyatt how much we loved her mother that passed a few years back, and that is why we selected "Blue Skies", because we knew how much Mrs. Virginia loved that song.  After we left, Anabelle informed me...Mrs. Virginia liked "Above the bright Blue".   Well yes, she did, and I was 100% incorrect.  Oh well, I thought I picked the song right.  It was a fun event, and one we are already hoping to plan again and more often.  

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