Sunday, December 5, 2021

Chewacla State Park with the Boy Scouts

Where did all my blog notes go?  Ugh, I know I wrote some stuff down for this trip, but now I can't find it.  Oh well, so what happened.  Let's see, we left late on a Friday, and I was super excited as a December campout can potentially get some really cold weather, but this weekend was projected to only get into the upper 40s.  That is sweet camping weather.  But late Friday night we left on our way down to Auburn, AL to Chewacla state park.  I did not see it, but we had a deer hit the trailer ripping off the tire guard on one side.  Luckily all were ok.  The first thing I remember is arriving at the state park after hours and having no idea where our camp site would be, nor having anyone that we could call or ask.  Luckily, a park ranger showed up and directed us thru a series of turns we would have never found back to an amazing campsite near a large open field.  

We really did not have anything big planned for Saturday, just getting the boys out in the woods to enjoy being together with no cell phones tying them away from each other.  It was really cool tho seeing the groups on Saturday.  We had a large group playing football in the field, we had a group of about 6 boys in the "ax yard" cutting up firewood for that evening, and another small group playing some dungeons and dragons.  If that isn't a cool diverse group of activities, I don't know what is.  Prior to all this field activity, we went on a hike to the waterfall, where we ate our lunch at the bottom.  I found a rock to fall asleep on.  Sam, once again, led us on this hike, and once again made a wrong turn and led us completely out of the state park...hahaha.  Just lead with confidence, and people will follow.  

That evening was the Alabama Georgia SEC championship game, so the adults sat and watched the game while the boys hung out at the fire.  They had a radio tho, as we periodically heard an announcements (from a football injured Foster) and random cheers/jeers based on the fan.  Gary Douglas made some really amazing fajitas for the adults, but the boys cooked some large hams in their dutch ovens.  It must have been good, as the adults were not even offered any leftovers.  I did learn to tie the half hitch knot and went over to Sam to show him so he could pat me on the back and tell me how proud he was of me.  "Good Job dad".  No pat on the back, but he knew how hard it was because he had to show me how over and over again.  

Max Beneke led the devotion on Sunday morning.  The boys had some eggs in a bag, and us adults just had some Danishes, we didn't want to clean up anything.  The boys will remember a couple of individual new scouts that caused some "frustration" during this campout, but all in all, it was a fun time to just sit back and hang out.  I do remember that Shawn Rumsey rode down with me on this trip and shared with us the history of Hwy 280 as he grew up in Sylacauga (Buzzard's Roost).  He and I were also in charge of the medicine, and didn't realize we were supposed to tell the boys to take their medicine.  We thought they would tell us when they needed it.  One boy did not have is medicine as prescribed...and later he fell asleep in the wide open field...I mean fell asleep deep.  A couple of the boys walked him back to his tent to go to sleep.  Me and Shawn just looked at each other and hoped he was ok.  And he was...but we definitely got him to take his medicine the next morning.  

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