Tuesday, November 30, 2021

See you must understand, I can't work a nine to five...

So I'll be gone till November...and during the month of November, if you are with me in the kitchen while I am washing dishes, you will definitely hear Wyclef Jean at least once, and maybe twice if I feel like a "ladies man, a business man".  Ha, I was working on my computer the other day, and even heard little Ruby singing "gone till november, gone till november".  So besides the always playing music in the kitchen, what else was our crew doing this month?

Sam's open house at CTEC (Career Tech), and he even made the promotional poster and mailer this year...Magan gets to visit Ruby at school...Dad gets to visit Ruby for lunch, and apparently they can't feed adults right now due to supply chain shortage, and Ruby loves to sweep, and got picked by her teacher on this day to sweep up after her class, oh the joys of being young...Thanksgiving pictures that probably were meant for the previous blog...Me and Davis go fishing, well Davis goes fishing, and I sit with him.  One time I actually had my bobber go under and a bite, Davis said he looked at me to tell me I had a bite, and I was just sitting on the ground playing with the grass (I am forever thankful to the other men at our congregation that help encourage these manly skills of fishing, for it is not me)...advent calendars passed out...Belle makes her daddy proud wearing an actual baseball jersey to school...Christmas Village with Granny...and a date lunch at Perry's steakhouse for their famous Pork Chop, and a monster bread pudding for dessert.  

Thursday, November 25, 2021


So how do we do Thanksgiving?  We start by driving up for Thanksgiving on Thursday, and stuffing ourself with food.  Can you drive home with all that turkey?  No, you must sleep at Granny and Granddaddy's, but this time across the street at Katies.  Is it weird that I can't remember where my kids slept.  Oh well, they were somewhere between those two houses...and a camper.  On Friday, after some Jacks breakfast supplemented by Granny's most amazing sausage balls that were made faster than any other "homeade" sausage balls ever, we prepped for our trip to the new Protective Stadium for the Blazer game.  If Davis is reading this and laughing because I used the word balls twice in that last sentence, someone please go slap him upside the head...someone.  

So I had been wanting to go to a UAB game all year at the new stadium, and for this last game, my friend had 75 extra tickets, and does anyone want any?  YES!  And I have some brothers, and nephews that want them too!  I grabbed 15 tickets, and we used 11 of them on this day.  It was really cool to see the stadium, watch some football on a cold day, but not unbearably cold day.  I happened to run into a good friend Mike Eidson at the stadium, and catch up just a bit.  Then I got to walk around with Luke and Wyatt, and watch them make immediate friends in the field area behind the endzone.  They were in a football game themselves within seconds of finding others with a football.  Me, nope, would have never sought out other humans, but these kids just jumped right in.  Must have missed a picture though.  Also got to chat a bit with Jude on the way down to the stadium, which was easily the longest conversation I have ever had with him.  But the game reached the 3rd Quarter, and the Blazers were losing 17-14 in a rather uneventful game, so we decided to head back home to Cullman.  And as we arrived at Granny and Grandaddy's house, we saw that UAB had come back and won 42-25!  I guess the 2nd half was more eventful.

On Saturday, we went over to Marcias to once again stuff ourself with food.  And it was great food again, and wonderful time with family.  The most exciting news was another bun in the oven (I missed how they let everyone know, I may have been asleep, but from the pictures, apparently it involved sticky notes) for Emily and Marcus.  I don't know if that Eloise will like someone else getting some of her attention, but I am sure she will be a good big sister.  And I am fairly sure Magan is already planning to figure out any and every way to get up there to hold the baby.  

What else?  I see that the girls enjoyed their shopping day while we were at the football game.  Apparently the visor is making a comeback.  Granny's massager seemed to be used a lot more than you would expect, and most often on the throat to make funny noises as you talked.  Oh, and little Ruby watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was my favorite!  She was so excited and ran to grab me for any of the floats she liked.  And the Million Dollar Band from the University of Alabama were the band that actually welcomed Santa at the end of the parade.  I got a picture of the band, but all I caught was the Crimsonettes, and well...well...hmmm...I opted to just go with the Santa pics for the family blog.