Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Falling into Leaves - Then and Now

Playing in the Leaves 9 years ago (thanks facebook memories for making me feel old, yet prompting me to have a little fun today)…and today…and we found a little someone in those leaves that was missing last time!  

"Com'n kids, humor an old man" I told all of them when they were not excited to go outside for these leaf pictures the other day, but glad they did, and helped recreate some memories.  I remember the first time in these pictures...raking the leaves into the large pile over and over again, and at one time you could not even see the boys buried in the pile.  A pile of leaves was like the Xbox of the olden days, you just kept using the rake as a reset button, and kept having fun.  Oh well, as I have become an old man, I will paraphrase something from a television show I never watched..."Like leaf piles that slowly get smaller, so are the days of our lives".  

And I don't know why I am still writing this blog, as I think the pictures would have been fine, but seeing the images makes me nostalgic, and the music in my head right now is playing Bon Jovi...so I will share the tune that is playing..."Your wanna make a memory?  You wanna steal a piece of time? You can sing the melody to me, and I can write a couple lines".  

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