Thursday, November 11, 2021

Fun Times with AHG

So what were the AHG girls doing in November?  We first had our yearly Veteran's Day event at Sommerby (Assisted Living Community).  Last year was where we drew pictures on the sidewalk for the residents, and had to wave thru windows at them.  But this year was a little more open, as the residents came outside and the girls led everyone in some songs, read a poem about 9/11 from Hadassah, and then about the time the girls were going to begin an activity with the residents, the bottom dropped out, and everyone ran inside.  Well, we stayed outside under the covered area, but our event came quickly to an end.  I caught one pic I thought was funny where Ruby and Ansley got under the umbrella...while they were already under the canopy of the building.  

My explorer group took a quick field trip (across the road from our meeting location) to the piggly wiggly to learn pricing and earn their money management badge.  The girls did great, and I had fun watching them try to find the better buys for bread, ice cream, and apple juice.  And of course Mr. Scott got them all a treat afterwards.  

Ruby's tenderheart group was working on a fashion badge, which she LOVED.  She asked me to keep all of the things we got in the mail for clothing, so she could cut them out and place them into her fashion foldout.  

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