Tuesday, November 9, 2021

American Village Field Trip

Finally, the kids are able to attend field trips again, and Magan was excited to be a chaperone for Mrs. Quattlebaum's class.  Ruby's favorite part of American Village, magan tells me, was the large building with miniatures.  Ruby is with me right now, so she is telling me that she likes history.  And she loved mom telling her all the stories that the miniatures were showing.  She got a big grin telling me about the little hand poking thru the curtain in the Abraham Lincoln Ford Theatre scene.  Probably not supposed to be the fun part, but she said the hand looked funny.  

She told me that it was mostly her and Jordan, and they had a lot of fun.  She said Jordan had to eat the school lunch, but she got the lunch that mom brought for her from Publix.  But she shared her fancy mustard, and her giant cookie with Jordan.  And her bright eyes got real big telling me she got to sit in the President's seat.  

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