Friday, November 12, 2021

A Birthday in Paris

Ma chère Mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride...And greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight...And now we invite you to relax...Let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents...Your dinner!...Be our guest! Be our guest!

Oui Oui, it is time for Belle's 12th birthday party.  A spend the night celebration in the City of Light.  Magan had our house decorated so that you would never think you were in Chelsea, Alabama, but just right down the street from the Eiffel Tower.  And a spread of delicacies that would rival the top pastry shops in all of France.  Ehh...maybe an exageration, excusez moi.  And that is all the French for this blog.   Anabelle was excited to have her friends over to celebrate, and had been planning for this party for a long time.  We all wore our berets (notice you can't see mine while with my dark hair) and shared bad french accents.  

The girls all spent the night downstairs scattered across the den in a sleeper sofa, blowup mattress, and random assortment of blankets as a pallet.  Marcia was also downstairs in the bedroom, but I don't know how much sleep she got with those girls cackling.  We also used the Oculus to take the girls to the Eiffel Tower and go to the very top, we took a tour of the Louvre Museum.  All in All, I think our new little almost 12 year old had a great party!

The next morning all the girls went to Claire's to get finger nails painted.  And Magan and Belle got their ears pierced.  I can't believe Magan waited this long, and from what I hear, it was much worse for Magan than Belle.  But they were all so excited.  Later on Belle's actual birthday, we went to Bertalone's for some calzones.  So what is my Belley Boo doing at age 12...She is constantly in the kitchen cooking desserts, she still gives me plenty of hugs, and likes to walk on my feet.  She loves when dad plays with her hair.  She is getting pretty tall, and she has the prettiest voice I love to hear (when she doesn't know I'm listening) in the kitchen singing broadway showtunes, or princess songs, or her favorite right now...Frank Sinatra.  I love you sweet go to, do you remember me always having to say this EVERY night, and you keep finding excuses to stay up just a little bit later.  

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