Sunday, July 31, 2022

July Days around the House

I only found one memory in my notes for this month...just a random capture from Magan as she rode around town with Belle, Linley and Sarah Beth.  Linley had not ever shopped in a thrift store before, and the other girls could not believe it.  "What is it like in the thrift store?" she asked.   Sarah Beth said "Well, it is like shopping in a public bathroom".  

So what went on this month...Sam and I shared the "pulpit" one Sunday morning.  It was his first lesson, and he did a great job ( )...great bible study on social media at Oak Mountain with the youth...Lessons from Mayberry at our house with the youth (Rick May did a great job as we watched "Opie and the Spoiled Kid" and "Gomer gets a date"), which has led to the primary shows watched this month in our house being Andy Griffith, I love Luch, and The Twilight zone...We also have ended up using "That was nice, that was real nice" around the house after the Gomer episode...small group at our house...many visits from cousins...George Washington hair in the pool...and Monopoly has become Ruby's favorite game, and one she can usually find others to play with her. 

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