Monday, January 1, 2024

A Stroll thru December

Picture overload!   I don't know, I started this post with about 130 pictures, and cut as much as I could, and it was still 98 pictures.   Oh well, there was alot going on this month, and busy as usual.  Christopher Popinkins came on December 1st, and has been causing his normal craziness each morning.   Not as much toilet paper rolls this year, but he did find some new hiding spots.   Ruby accidentally touched him one time, but he thought it was funny and hid in mom's case the next night behind glass to ensure he was not touched.   He along with Snowflake and the babies forgot and hid in the bathroom one day, which made Ruby never use that bathroom for the remainder of that day.  "It's creepy" with them watching.   

There was the normal small group gatherings, and a visit to see ELF at the Chelsea High School.   My annual visit to the Galleria with the girls to find gifts for Magan.   The scout and AHG christmas parties, school christmas parties, a Ruby field trip to Montevallo, a holiday choir concert, and a Thanksgiving meal that had to be postponed into December.

Ruby had her last skin treatment downtown, which was nice, but she will always miss her nurse friends there that were so nice to her, and her best friend Von Luke (Ruby says it is Zon Luke) at Dunkin Donuts that was probably one of the nicest kids I have ever not met.   

The third annual Mentor Gingerbread Contest was held at the Baileys and another success.   Davis and Eric Kolb had a really cool Batman house, but I think Belle's was the best.   She and her mentor Jane Nesbitt worked on a farm gingerbread house that had a farm, and a garden.   It was really neat, and very well done.  

We got a christmas surprise when our septic pump stopped working, and that was a nice huge cost.   Davis got to go to Florida College camp, and I guess has only girlfriends there too.   There were some card games and disc golf with Sam while he was home.   Random time jumping on the trampoline, but the best part was filming it in slow motion and watching our videos afterwards.  

There was Ruby and Leyton running down to the street to see Santa on the firetruck.   This year he got off and walked up to them to ask what they wanted for Christmas.   And after he left, they both starting cackling, as that was NOT the real santa.   Leyton said "He was a stick", and Ruby commented on his obviously pretend beard.   Santa can't be everywhere, only at the Bass Pro.

There was a visit to the BJCC to see Alabama play.   And the boys will remember that I got them both $20 tickets, but poorly bought mine on stubhub and paid $40.   Ugh, but we had fun, and sat in the upper deck for the first half, then Sam watched for open seats and got us great lower level seats for the second half.   

Cole Anderson, the last of my group of scouts that I had led since the 1st grade reached the rank of Eagle.   Including Sam, I had 4 boys that made it all the way thru and to the highest rank.   Actually didn't think it would happen for Cole, but Brandon and Sam kept pushing him, and helped him along with his project, and he made it shortly before turning 18.   Then had to return from college for this eagle ceremony.   Sam had finals that week and was not able to make it home.   Then Cole surprised me with another Mentor Pin for my collection.   Super proud of that guy, but it may have just been a pin for Magan...he always loved her special chocolate chip cookies, and do you think she made some for him...Yep, one last batch for all the boys from our original group.   

And lastly, Magan and I joined the Rook crew on New Years Eve, and ran the table.   We were the undefeated champions.  We beat the Home Team Pouncey's in the first round in 9 hands, where we did not win the Bid one time.   Wild.   Then we took down Joe Smith and Grace Baker without even sweating.  And then we moved to the Harrison's table.   They are the clear favorites here every year, and the cards just fell our way, with Magan holding the bird almost every hand.   Down they went, as we had just past 10 oclock.   I was happy because we might be home before midnight, but then we had to wait for the losers bracket to fight out to a winner.   And wouldn't you know it, the Harrisons emerged back to face us in the final game.   But this game did not start till 11:45PM.   And the cards starting flowing again, and it was clear that the rook was favoring us on this night...then at 475 to 80, Larry chose to shoot the moon, and take the game...and he would have done it, except for the 14 of black, which was in my hand.   Game Over.   The Junkins have won the tournament again!   Magan had the cards on this night, but as with spades, she has surpassed me in her ability to play this game.   Now I get the mad looks and snarky comments when she notices my poor play.   Fortunately on this night, neither of us had much poor play.   

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