Saturday, January 6, 2024

Columbiana 5K

 I look forward to this as my one race per year now.   And since Sam was still home from school, he joined me on this morning to run the 5K in Columbiana.   This race is to help provide funds to help a local family adopt thru sacred selections, and it is basically coordinated by the whole Wilsonville church congregation.   So fun to run, but always a good chance to connect with church family from around the area.   This year even more special because my good friend Aaron Craig was there from Atlanta.   

How did we do?   I remember a time when I kept up with that to the second, but alas, those days are gone with the knees.   But I did run much faster than last year, and surprisingly the knees never hurt, altho my back was killing me for the first mile.   Apparently, you are supposed to train at least a little bit, but I just thru on some jogging pants and went for it.   I was at about a 10 minute mile pace, which is good, but I turned on the speed at the end and was really close to puking because I turned it on too early.   

Sam kept up with Joel Dixon for most of the race, and ended up around an 8 1/2 mile pace, which is also pretty good, as I don't think he has done much running at school.   While I placed third last year, apparently more old men my age joined up, so I was further down the list.   And I was super proud for my buddy A-A-ron that has lost ALOT of weight, and said this was his first 5K.   Sam and I pigged out at Jacks after the race, then went home to sleep.   

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