Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Rolling into the New Year

Another year has begun, and the first month is already done.   We got to hold onto Sam at the house for at least a couple of weeks, before he headed off to school.   His friend Brendan was able to stop by the house on his way to Tuscaloosa.   I think they went on a hike to Peavine Falls that day, and Magan made us all a great supper.   Then we followed that evening up with some games of SEQUENCE.   

What else happened this month...girls being silly in the squishmellows...the Sequence board was used more than it has in years...girls being silly with slime...FC winter camp, Davis loves anything to do with paint ball...A farewell lunch with Sam at Perry's steakhouse, altho we all got the famous porkchop, and shared some brussel sprouts.   Sam was the only one that could finish his chop...An AHG court of awards meeting...Granddad found some baseball cards, which ended up being a really fun time for me and Ruby looking thru them and placing them in sport stacks, we even found a Mark Davis...We watched the Chiefs beat the Dolphins in -4 degree weather...We had time to build a couple of forts, and the one downstairs, Ruby lived in through the entire blizzard of '24, the whole week they were out of school...The kids watch the new aquaman movie, and Davis was excited to get the Wonka popcorn tophat...a photo recreation with Ms Lisa...Sam meets big Al...Small group at our house eating MEAT SOUP!...Career days and lunch with Ruby (Had to do separate days with her this year due to some scheduling issues)...And the viral video that keeps us laughing right now, the Miss Universe pageant girls screaming their country names.   This is so so funny, and me and the girls keep laughing every time we watch it, which is too many.   

Lastly we got a new card game that was a hit in Honduras last year, 5 Crowns.   It went pretty well with me, Davis, Ruby, and Belle...and it is really a pretty simple game, but apparently my patience was not well this evening.   The kids will remember me hollaring at Ruby after she asked for the 5th time the difference between a set and a run..."Come on Ruby, this is not rocket science".   And whether is was the wording, my lack of patience, or just being late and delirious...the kids all just busted out laughing at me.   Oh well, sometimes I am a horrible teacher, and this outburst was a failure on many parts...but maybe the kids will remember that after the initial frustration, I laughed with them.   Magan watched from afar, and took one picture of us in the kitchen.   One twelth of the year already gone, I'm liking it so far.   

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