Monday, January 1, 2024

Christmas at Granny and Granddaddy's

It finally happened, and I am posting this in December so it will be in our 2024 book, but our gathering did not officially happen till day one of 2024.   Everyone was well, and we gathered for a fun time at Granny and Granddaddy's.  Magan was there and again making up for not being there at Thanksgiving with so many pictures.   Ugh, I think I had about 2000 from this month to look through.   Ruby continued to pass out all of her bracelets she made.

We loved seeing John's girls with the squishmellows, and happy they are loving them so much.  MawMaw will remember this second picture below after we picked her up.   We knew that we had to be better at giving that receiving on this day, or we would never make it home...there was NO MORE ROOM.     There were card games going on in multiple rooms, and everyone was happy and full with all the good food Granny made.   Hey, plan for next year...No one make any desserts and we will have plenty of food.   I say this while I am eating another of the raisin cookies I brought home.   Oh, and if Granny is reading this, the Pumpkin cake was great, and I pretty much ate it all that night after we got home.   

And from Katies Facebook Post because I did not have anything to do with this..."I convinced my brothers and their wives to go in on a white elephant exchange idea behind our parents backs. All the gifts were actually items we stole from our parents house at thanksgiving, and mom and dad thought everyone was exchanging gifts that they had lying around their own houses or regifted. The outcome did not disappoint, except maybe to Granny and Granddad. So I’m mainly sharing to relive in memories in the future, or give my friends a chuckle or idea for their own family gatherings."  Granny did not think it was funny, but I will have to admit, it was a bit funny.   And I found out I had a "fake uncle" out there somewhere.   

After all these adventures, there was a ball game, and while I am sure many were happy that a crazy lucky Alabama season had come to an end, it would have been nice to watch someone from the SEC in the championship game.   Washington and Michigan this year.   Its like watching little people wrestle, I am sure there will be some entertaining moments, but does anyone really care who wins.   Oh well, Merry Christmas to all!

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