Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The Blizzard of '24

From Magan's Facebook Post:  "Happy Icy Snow day! We finally got to use our sled for the first time, it’s only been in the garage waiting for snow day for about 10 years.  We tried to catch snow for snow cream, but it was just a bowl of ice basically.  Davis is insane and ran down for a quick slide in shorts, short sleeves, and no shoes or socks. Now we are all beside the fire doing school work."

I think the kids got out of school a total of 3 days during this "snow", which was just barely noticeable out in the yard.   There is a video of Davis out in the yard in shorts, tshirt and no shoes sledding.   Speaking of that sled, Magan bought it at Sam's I believe shortly after snowmegeddon, and it has never been used until this day.   That is the story of much of what is in my garage.   What once you would think holds actual vehicles, now just a collection of "sleds" for the periodic "blizzards" of life.   Seriously Magan, we have never made home made ice cream in 22 years of marraige...and that random pitcher to serve lemonade, why do we still have that?   I guess I will just hush about the photo props that "will one day be sold".   It's ok, she does not read these things...but when you do...Please tell me we have cleaned the garage of at least the full shelf of pillows.   Serenity Now!

Oh, why the picture of the cooling tower at Vogtle below?   Because luckily I was out of town this whole week and never saw one flake of the Devil's dandruff.   It was cold over there, but nothing white falling from the sky, so probably one of the few times I was happy to be traveling.   

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