Sunday, September 29, 2024

A Birthday at Huddle House

This old man turned 45, but you would never know it from the way I chopped down these streamers.   Even one required a high kick above my head...Magan has the video to prove it, you may just not be able to see the kick because my foot was moving at lightning speed.   And this was one of those weekends, that I just wanted to survive, and if I could get through 9/ can slow down just a bit more.   We had finished Davis' eagle scout project the day before, I had a final class to teach for the JrSr High class, my name came up to present the Lord's Supper Thoughts, and I was leading the Honduras Mission Trip presentation during the lesson on this Sunday.  Magan gave me my first present of glass bottle cocacolas, which will always be the best present.   And can be the only present, but Magan always deals with numbers in birthday one was not enough.

Class went well, LST went well, and presentation went well.   After church is was my pick, so it typically falls to Bojangles, but when I could not get an online order to go through, I called an audible and we went to my #2, Huddle House.   For this birthday boy, you can't beat an MVP breakfast, "Yes ma'am with scrambled eggs, bacon, waffle and biscuits and gravy" and "please bring the salsa".   There are many memories for our family here in Chelsea at the Huddle House, and while some may say it is simple, it is the perfect place and created some really special and funny memories while we sat crammed into a 4 person table with 5 people.

We all wished Sam could be there, and missed his hidden laughs.  We shared our forever story of the old man that dropped his gun at the table next to us, one of our first times in this huddle house.  Then all the kids laughed as I opened my present from mom of "VS Deepwater" cologne, then found out that Mom had bought it years ago, but lost it, and recently found it.   I sprayed it while at the table, then again as deo under my arms.   And while all were coughing, it got a giggle out of Ruby, and Belle a big laugh, which is hard these days.   

But we all just chatted about our days and had to stack any spare plates to get some extra room on the table.   Then Magan pulled out my special birthday cake of Cindy's Cinnamon Rolls.   She was so excited because I liked them so much, but then I told her that I had never had these before.   And we had all just eaten waffles and pancakes, so no one really wanted a roll.   Oh well, Magan took this opportunity to recall how I never like anything she gets for me.   But then we all laughed because after we all tasted Cindy's (a little bite), no one really liked them.   For many, the cinnamon roll is all in the icing.  but not me, it starts in the chewy bread.   I say magan was mad, but she was really just picking on me, and we all laughed because I like Cinnaholic, and I like Cinnabon, and I love Bundt Cakes, but have no idea where she came up with that I like Cindy's because I had never even heard of it.   

Lastly, I think Belle was playing with the creamer, when she squeezed too hard, and it blew up all over her face and hair.   Now this was another funny time, as we had no idea what she was doing.   With our belly's fully and Belle off to the bathroom to clean off the creamer, Ruby just laid over ready to pass out on Davis.   So if Magan ever reads this, she should know that I have loved ever gift she has ever given me, but none will ever top Sam, Davis, Anabelle, and Ruby.   And YES, I really would rather have ZERO gifts after them, as you can't ever do better.   Oh, and while at the summit on the following day, Magan and Ru picked me up my birthday bundlet cake.   YUMMY!   And...haha...we ended up just dumping the Cindy's in the garbage if you are in the galleria, and think Cindy's...just think again, keep going.   


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