Sunday, September 8, 2024

Mom Goes Down

I completely hate decorations, and they just simply tend to grow larger and larger with each passing year.   Although Halloween was not up by labor day this year, Magan did get the kids all out to help her the following Sunday.   I was inside the house chatting with Terry Francis, when I heard Belle yell down the stairs at me, "Mom has fallen, and something has popped out".   So Terry and I were immediately done with our conversation, and both quickly ran outside to pure pandemonium.   

Davis tells this story better than anyone, and should probably write this down because he saw both his mom and dad freaking out in different ways.   Let's start with me, as I walk outside thinking knee or hip or back...but thinking nothing good because of the description of "popped out".   Then when I saw Magan with a finger that looked bad, but compared to what was running through my mind, I was like "Oh man, that looks bad", but really no emergency, so I went into slow down mode, let's assess the situation and determine the next course of action.

Over to Magan, where she had already assessed the situation, and looked at her finger and realized that she would basically lose her finger if someone did not pull it straight within the next 10 minutes.   Yes, she had seen this on a movie, or some hospital show, and "knew" that if not pulled straight, she would forever be crippled.   With this thought in mind, she had already gotten two phones and Davis and Belle texting our nurse neighbors, Sherry and Kate, hoping that we could have a Grey's Anatomy scene on the front lawn.   Kate did not answer, Sherry said "Take her to the ER to have them look at it".   Sherry did a much quicker evaluation and analysis that my brain was working.   

Magan just would not stop, she was running this way and that.   Davis was like, "Mom, just sit down a minute", but she was crazy.  She would not sit down.  Terry suggested that Davis pull it, and earn a scouting badge, but Magan was not in the mood for any humor right now.  But we had a plan from Sherry, that was to first check with the Fire Station on Hwy 69.   Magan ran to my car and just could not open it, but just kept pulling on the car handle.   Davis finally got to her, and unlocked the door then it opened for here, then she immediately ran over to her van and got in and sat down.  Davis was thinking she had gone crazy, then he looked over at me, and I was just nonchalantly making my way up the driveway to take Magan to the firestation.  Magan starts yelling at me to Hurry up, but I have no keys.   Fortunately the one person thinking in this situation, Davis, had already run upstairs, grabbed magan's purse and handed it to his Dad, whose brain had temporarily shut down, still trying to evaluate and assess if this was the right first step.   

Magan's screams of "CRANK THE CAR" helped me understand this was a good first step.   So we drove off over to the fire station, where we knocked on the door, rang the bell, then realized no one was here.   It was at this point, that I remembered that I did not have my wallet, so I did not have my driver's license.   When I mentioned driving back to the house, the crazy demon lady now inhabiting the body of Magan told me that we would not do that, but instead we would drive to the fire station in Chelsea.   Now on the way into Chelsea, both of us not thinking clearly, we called Davis to bring my wallet to the firestation in Chelsea...then we called Davis to tell him nevermind, we were just going to the ER over the mountain.   

And when we turned onto 280, I was back in my own world, taking my wife on really just an annual visit to the ER.   Then the demon lady to my right brought me out of this again screaming "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, DRIVE FASTER", I believe at this point she was on the verge of puking, and in her mind about to lose her whole hand because of the delay of someone pulling her finger back into place.  But she did have a point, as I looked down to see I was going 51 in a 55.   

Finally at the ER, we actually had to wait in the waiting room for about 15 minutes, which in freaking out Magan time, was hours.   She got the puke bag from the front desk clerk.  I worked on the paperwork.   She was freezing and started to shiver, at this point on the verge of death, when they finally called her name and got her back to a room.   So here we got the normal nurse that took all her data, then we gave her the book of medications Magan is on, making sure that no penicillin has ever been used in this room we were currently in, and finally the doctor came in.   He was great, but still not ready to pull it back into place until we got an Xray first.   But he did give her a shot in that finger, which was fascinating to watch for me, not so much for Magan, who again needed to at least hold the puke bag.   The shot was to help deaden it when he did pull it back into place.   And after some more waiting and an X-ray, that is exactly what he did.   Now that also was fun to watch, and worked just like it does on TV.   I think I could do it...maybe next time.   

And there we were, finally able to calm down a bit, and look back on a really crazy Sunday.   Magan told me how they had been putting out the blow ups, and our neighbors had some little children that were laughing and loving the decorations.   Magan was talking to the little girl when she slipped and fell backwards catching herself on that finger.   She said she asked Davis to look at it, and see if it was OK.   Because before this, she just kept talking to the kid joking that she had fallen.   Davis looked at the finger, and said, "Just don't look at it", and she immediately did just that, and thus the panic described above.   The waiting game at the ER is always the worst, when all is better, and you just want to go home.  

Then another doctor came in and talked to Magan about going to see a specialist in a couple of days.   This was a new doctor, young guy that we had not seen all night, definitely not the confident doctor that pulled Magan's finger back in place and told her all is good, just wear the brace and only see someone if it is still in pain.  After we told this new guy about what the previous doctor said, he said "Yes, that sounds good".   He looked over everything and then just left.   It was just weird.   Magan and I both started wondering if he was really even a doctor, maybe he just grabbed a coat and started walking into rooms.   We seriously never saw him before in the hallways or afterwards as we left.   He acted like a doctor, but everything he said was in complete disagreement with the other doctor, and when we mentioned this, he said ok, then left.   

And as we left the ER, we ran into another dad from scouts who was obviously not doing well.  He was wrapped in a blanket, and his wife said he had a high fever and hard time swallowing.  So I quickly scooted by my friend wishing him to get better soon.   Then the doors opened to outside, and there were friends of ours from Wilsonville church, the husband having some recent knee surgery was having some pain that needed looked at.   Not as bad as my blanketed friend, we stopped and chatted with this couple for awhile.   And finally back in our car, I looked over to Magan and said "Maybe this is it, maybe this is where we start meeting up with our friends, until one day we are living together at the local assisted living home".   What a day!  Hopefully I have captured it well, but Davis acts it out much better, I am sure this is one of those days that he will remember for a long time.   Oh, and Davis decided to lay out the skeleton hands on the front lawn at the exact place where Magan had fallen.   


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