Friday, September 27, 2024

A College Visit to Bama! with Joe

The college visits have primarily been my role, but I am almost out of vacation days this year, and I knew that Magan would not pass up a day to be with her "Day", but also get to see her "Sammy".   Even if she did have to wake up early on this morning to be in Tuscaloosa for a tour at 8:15AM.   Different from the tour Sam and I took 2 years prior, Alabama has opened up the Bryce building as the new Welcome Center for students.   

Magan and Davis had to leave the campus tour to walk over to the Engineering building for a talk with one of the professors of Mechanical Engineering.   Just like at Auburn, Davis said him and Mom were the only ones, so got to chat one on one.   On the mechanical engineering tour, Magan was really impressed with the girl taking them on the tour, and made Davis (awkward) get a picture with her.   Then later on the tour looking at the EcoCar, Magan said she was in the doorway at someone was passing thru but got way too close...It was Sam!   

Then they were walking to get lunch when Joe (Sam's roomate) just randomly walked by, and everyone said "Joe".   So he stopped and talked with them, then decided to join them for lunch.   This was not what Magan wanted.   She even asked the boys if they wanted to go off campus, but that was too hard anyway, so they went to the Ferguson.   Everything on campus was packed this Friday for the Georgia game was the following day.   They saw some secret service prepping in front of the stadium.   Got pictures at the saban statues and Saban field.   Joe and Sam had to get to one more class.   Then before they left, they got to see Sam one last time, and guess who else just happened to walk by...Joe.   I think Sam said "hey joe" again, but told Magan and Davis sorry later, as he was not even thinking.   Yep, Joe hung out with them again while they said all their goodbyes.   

The welcome center has its own "Hype Tunnel" which is pretty amazing.   Then Sam and Magan started making fun of a full mock up of the University campus that had been made a long time ago.   They were picking the model, saying why would they display this, it looks like it was made by school kids.   Then Davis pointed out to them that it was made by one of the patients at Bryce.   Foot stuck in mouth.   So that was our last school visit, and one school is an easy favorite.   It was never his brother's pick, nor his...but these brothers are pretty tight, so they want to be together again.   We are into the applications right now, and then will just be in a waiting game for scholarship money, always hoping for that crazy piece of paper Sam got...we will see.   But I do know that Davis had a new Bama hat on during this visit...and seeing as even Ruby talks about one day going to Alabama...Sam may have started a pattern.   I guess only time will tell.   


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