Saturday, September 28, 2024

Eagle Project Days...

It has been a long journey to get to this point, but this completion of the Eagle Project workday finishes all requirements for the Eagle Scout rank for Davis.   While the benches were prepared and completed last month, this "little library" was somewhat of a struggle to ensure that it had a good roof to last out the weather.   We tested the roof in the rain and sun, and it had some major flaws that made us call in Mr. Dirk the week of the work day.   We had both shingles and a metal roof, and Dirk suggest how to put on the metal rook with some pointers on stability of the pole, and some wood material suggestions as well.   Admittedly I was overwhelmed as I had no idea how we would make this happen, but Davis took it in stride, and the next night, after I completed my work, I went down to help Davis.  But he had already completed the roof, and it looked really good.   The following night after work I went to help again, but he had again completed the supports, throwing the ones I prepared away to use the weather treated wood he had found in the back of the house.   So I stayed down there for emotional support and held the pole on while he drilled everything together.   He asked me to screw some of the supports together, but sadly, I knew I would have messed something he put everything together, but I was there for support.   He did give me a big Davis smile, and said, "Hey, if you wouldn't have gotten all the material from Lowes this week, I could not have had the time to do this in the evening".   I will always be thankful for this organization and how it has helped both Sam and Davis.   

For the workday, we packed the van about as full as we could, and saved a seat for Grant Dabbs to ride with us to the event.   On arrival, Davis got with the Grace Klein representative, who shared with him all of the work needed at the home.   (One memory Davis will laugh at is us both looking at Grant when we first arrived and saying "You gotta calm down" as he was in his normal Grant talking mode).  When the full troop crew arrived (8 other boys), they quickly divided into teams:  Aiden led one group in the trail clean up effort, 2 began doing some pressure washing, and the others helped with the installation of the "little library".  For me, it was once again, amazing to watch these boys just take on the jobs given to them, and knock them out led by the older boys.   Davis and Foster were even able to repair two other boy scout projects that had stopped working.  They just looked over what was going on, and found a solution to make it work.  I told Davis not to worry about these other projects, because we had plenty of other work, he said "We have time, I think Foster and I can fix it, I doesn't look to hard".   And they did, and explained to the GK rep how the screen on a water filtration system had broken, their tasks to reattach the screen material so that this would not happen again, and re-install the tank after cleaning it out.   

As all of this was happening, I just sat back again, wondering about my role as the lone scout leader.   And I have to laugh at parents that thank me for leading these young men, helping them to do all these tasks to serve in the community, and I think my mom said it best when she inadvertently called me a day before my birthday, she said "Well, you drive them there, and you made sure they had food".   And I did do that.   Haha...I was nervous, because I had never done any jobs with concrete before (Honduras aside) and so while I was pointing Aiden to the trail, Davis and John Lacey got started with the hole for the library.   I went over to see that they already had it propped up with supports, and I asked if they need any help with the cement.   John Lacey looked at me and said "No, Mr. Scott, we got this.   Just bring me a big stick to mix it up with".   Yes sir, I can do that.   

Davis has been doing service work at this home since 2020.   Now his project is at the same place as Sam's.   He raised enough money for all of the materials, covered the pizza cost on this work day, even with some fancy pizzas, and we splurged with some glass bottle coca-colas for each of the boys.   We were also able to feed the family that lives in this home.   What is left?   The final report is complete, so he has to go over that report with the Scoutmaster.  Once that is complete, all the paperwork is sent to the district for approval, and scheduling of his Board of Review.   On that night, he will answer questions to a final board, and then they will welcome him to the Eagle Rank.   So perhaps sometime this fall, we will have a ceremony celebrating this great accomplishment.   Maybe with two of his buddies that are in similar spots with their projects.   


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