This is something I was tagged in on Facebook and since I took the time to think about it and write it, I am posting it here too :)
It is fun to get to know one another better, you should do one too!
1. I have been tagged in about 5 or 6 of these things and have loved reading each one, so thought I'd take time out to write something too :)
2. I am a christian, wife, mother (of 2 boys), daughter, sister, friend, teacher, photographer...... the list could go on and on. Each job is special and important to me. I have ALWAYS wanted to have my own family. My friends used to call me Momma Magan in school.
3. Photography is the newest on my list. It goes back to my friends and family who encouraged me to go for it. Thanks guys! I love every minute of it, from rolling on the ground to making babies laugh to seeing the finished products.
Just in case you are interested this is my fan page on FACEBOOK. Copy and paste the link-
4. I am sometimes a perfectionist about things I am working on. Scott keeps me grounded and helps me remember when something just doesn't matter that much. But if I am sitting and looking at a crooked picture I can't resist straightening it.
5. Before I had kids, I liked to keep the house very neat and tity. Since I have had kids, I keep the house clean but don't worry so much about messy. Toys seem to pop out of couch cushions and slide under my feet even after I have spent an hour picking a room up.
6. I am not a good speller and have probably mispelled words in this note :)
When I taught school I kept a spell checker near the chalkboard and in my desk. Now I use WORD to double check myself.
7. I LOVE playing ball especially when it is a big group of friends, but I am not very competitive. Don't get me wrong I want to play with people who know how to play (especially in volleyball), I might even rub it in if I am on the winning team, but I don't REALLY care who wins just that we had fun playing.
8. In Jr. High and High School I played a lot of sports,but wasn't all that great at any of them. I once got the craziest award in Basketball called the "Most Team Spirited" HAHAHA, I laugh about it still. Like I said love sports, love cheering for my friends, just don't have much of a competitive drive.
9. I don't like it when people are mad at me but will stand up for something if I think it is the right thing to do.
10. Communication is the key to relationship troubles 98 percent of the time. This doesn't always come easy for me. I even need time to think about what is bothering me sometimes. When Scott and I got married we agreed "Never to go to bed angry" I am thankful for the little decisions that have made such an impact on my life.
11. I hate going to bed without Scott. He sleeps on his stomach and I like to snuggle up back to back. He goes to sleep in about 1 minute and his deep breathing makes me fall asleep. I miss the days we got to sleep in until 8:30.
12. If I am holding a sleeping baby I can hardly stay awake, think it is the peaceful breathing. And I love holding sleeping babies. Especially my big brown eyed baby boys!
13. My dad passed away in 2004 with brain cancer. The year he was so sick and the year follwing his death were the hardest years of my life to date. I will always love and miss him SO much. I wish my children could know him and his warm spirit. I am thankful he didn't have to suffer any more than he did. I don't think I could have made it through without my wonderful husband, family, and friends.
14. I believe that we have to work every day to preserve the things we love. Our actions, choices, and reactions all matter. Life is too short and we only get one chance! Don't take the easy way out.
15. Some of my favorite drinks are Mountain Dew, Sweet tea, and Vanilla Bean Frappicinos w/ a shot of expresso.
16. I love to paint, decorate, and especially make POTTERY. This is one hobby I truly miss. I took it like 4 or 5 times in College and would love to get on a wheel TODAY! It releaves my stress and I love creating new things.
17. Protecting our family is one of the biggest responisbilities we have here on this Earth. I pray that above all my boys will love God and keep his commandments. That our sins will not be hidden.
18. I am kind of a pansy when it comes to scary movies. I used to watch them and they were o.k., but I can't do it any more. The RING ruined it for me. I saw that girl all of the time and felt like she was going to climb out from under my bed. When I saw a puddle of water or turned the lights off.
How do children handle being IN movies like that?
19. Scott and I started dating at K-mart and used to stay in the parking lot a little too long after work. We used to make jokes about the sweeper guy who came to clean the parking lot. On more than one occasion, mom threatened to make me quit my job if I couldn't make it home sooner.
20. I played the saxophone in the band and loved playing Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera. My sister played the French Horn and we had a solo together, it was pretty awesome. It is hard to explain how much more music means to you when you are the one making the music. Your whole body tingles down to your toes.
21. During marching season I was on the colorguard. Another remarkable feeling is when you MARCH out on the field and hear the whistle to begin your performance. Wow! I loved that too!
22. I love going anywhere! When you are with friends and with people you love you can have fun sitting on a bench in the post office. But I do prefer traveling to see new things or to get out for the day and drive. I especially love going out to eat and to the movies.
23. Scott makes fun of me b/c when I get to go out by myself to run errands. I like to open the sun roof and feel the sun on my face. I always turn the radio up and breath fresh air. A lot of the time, I forget to close the sun roof. Thankfully, it hasn't rained on it yet :)
24. I miss friends and things about each place I have lived.
25. I love history, but I want to be told the history behind things. I don't want to read it all. I wish I could sit for hours and talk to older people and see how their lives have taught them what they know. So much wisdom and memories.
I think I could do this all day, but guess I should stop at 25 :)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Hug
Magan and the boys were going to meet me at lunch today, but had some errands, and I ended up eating by myself at our cafeteria. I called Magan later, and she said the boys were upset that I was unable to join them. But she was going to Target, so I said I would come over while they are there (just a short 5 minute walk from my building). It was not to hard to find them…went to toys and saw them in the baby section. Davis saw me first and starting pointing saying DaDa…DaDa.
Then Magan turned the buggy down the aisle I was on and Sam came running. He jumped into my arms and hugged me so tight. Even as I started to let go, he kept on hugging. Not the hug that says welcome home Dad, Come on let’s play…Not the hug that is a choke hold challenging Dad to a wrestling match…Not the hug that is more of just a quick required squeeze…But a hug that seemed to last forever, a hug with so much love I have to hold back tears because I love him so much, a little hug in Target that I will remember for a long time.
Then Magan turned the buggy down the aisle I was on and Sam came running. He jumped into my arms and hugged me so tight. Even as I started to let go, he kept on hugging. Not the hug that says welcome home Dad, Come on let’s play…Not the hug that is a choke hold challenging Dad to a wrestling match…Not the hug that is more of just a quick required squeeze…But a hug that seemed to last forever, a hug with so much love I have to hold back tears because I love him so much, a little hug in Target that I will remember for a long time.
Monday, January 26, 2009
To be Eggs or Not to be Eggs
I don't love eggs myself now, but as a kid growing up I loved what we called "squish eggs" I gag a little thinking of eating them now. Scott doesn't like them either so we usually either eat a well done fried egg or scrambled eggs. The kids have only ever tried scrambled and they don't eat them very well. SO, I got up the other morning and made squish eggs(sunny side up) for them. I let Sam see it and pointed out that it looked like a sunshine. His little eyes and nose were stretched over the top of the counter to see what I was showing him. He appeared to love this idea, so I took his hand and put it on the fork and let him help me "Squish" the sunshine and make the eggs ready for eating. As we did this, he said "Oooo, somtin smells stinty," (something smells stinky) then he looked at the egg we had "squished" and said "Dats yuty mom" (That's yucky mom) I tried talking him into it and halved the egg into two bowls. I sat both boys in front of their eggs. Sam was squirming b/c he know I usually make him try at least one bite and he DID NOT want to. Then I put Davis in his seat. He loves to eat, so he took his spoon and dove right in. I watched for a reaction over by the stove were he couldn't see me. As soon as that egg entered his mouth, it came flying out and back into the bowl. He stuck his tongue out and started wiping it off with the wash rag while saying "Shew" and pushing the bowl far across the table. I got tickled and couldn't help laughing out loud.
My next attempt was with the fried "well done" egg. I even put cheese on top of it. Sam was thrilled to see that I had made an alternative and that he didn't have to try the "stinky squish egg" He took one bite and that was it for him. He was finished. Davis fiddled around with it for a long time, which made me think the morning had been a success, at least for one child. When I went to get him down and see what he had eaten of his egg, all I saw was tiny little finger marks were he had tried his best to scrape the cheese off and eat it. :) Oh Well, better luck next time I try!
Something that they loved to eat was Ice cream at the Bass Pro shop! I am going to throw some of those pictures on this post as well. John was with us too, but some how we only managed to get him in a video, not pictures sorry John. WHAT A PLACE!!! I had no idea what we were going to the Saturday that we went. That place was crazy and the boys loved it. If you haven't been yet you should go at least once to see it.
I just had to add these pictures of Davis tearing into some corn.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Shoutout to MawMaw
Cold Cold least cold to us in Alabama. So I had to go get out my warm coat for a date night with Magan. I had my coat on and we were getting the boys ready to drop them off at a friends house. Well, Sam looked up at my "new" coat and noticed that I had a button that was broke (It had caught on something a while back, and riped a small hole). He told me "Uh Oh, your jacket is broke". I said "I know, but it's OK". He then said right away "I KNOW, you can take it to MawMaw, she can fix it. She can fix holes in socks and pants and your jacket." And it is true...through many a hole in our clothing, MawMaw has always come to the rescue. And the little guys notice as well. Thanks MawMaw. Love You.
Oh...and I may be bringing a jacket has a small tear in it. :)
Oh...and I may be bringing a jacket has a small tear in it. :)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
He also corrected me at the table while eating with friends. Scott went and got our drinks while I sat with the kids. When he came back and handed me my cup, I must have forgotten to say thank you. Sam jumped on top of that and reminded me "mooom, yous forgot to say tank you" While I am thinking of it, he still has a lot of trouble saying certain letters. I think it is adorable, but since Davis has NO trouble saying any letters I know it is something I need to work on with Sam. I don't want him to get picked on in school b/c he can't say some of the words right. I think it is so adorable when he is saying his prayers. He says at the end of each prayer "dod so dreat, dod so dood, dod so happy" He came up with the happy part all by himself. He also sings Jesus love me, and when it gets to "yes Jesus love me" he sings "Less Jesus loves me" I may have already wrote about this, but it is so cute I want to always remember it.
All of these things are signs that he is getting ready to learn more and be challenged in that way. It makes me sad when I think about the fact that he will be 4 in May and kindergarten in just around the corner. I am looking into letting him go to preschool 2 days a week in the Fall. I really thinks he needs to have a transition period before he is thrown into kindergarten. Oh, it is so hard to let go, so any advice or encouragement in this area would be appreciated.
A note about little Davis. He is so hilarious to me and Scott at the moment. He is so short but so growny at the same time. He plays so imaginatively and yes he did pretend to shoot me with his finger guns when he got mad at me the other day. He also had his first real haircut. I don't know what part of, DON'T CUT HIS CURLS OFF, a hairstylist doesn't understand, but they are GONE! I wanted to cry and did when it happened to Sam (that may have had something to do with my being 8 1/2 months pregnant when it happened to him). This time I held it together and was just thankful he sat in that seat all by himself and let that lady cut it. Sam still needs to sit with his dad to get his done, but he is doing better with being still and letting her mess with him.
In the picture at the top of the boys with one naked arm. Davis did it first and when I asked him if he liked it like that he said Uh, huh. I figured since he usually only swings that one arm when he runs, maybe he was freeing it up for the action.

This is one of the best shots I have of his curls. It doesn't even show them from the back :(
Thursday, January 8, 2009
You may already do this with your kids, but I thought I would share something easy and fun to do with them.
I like to use this when I am trying to cook and everyone is in the kitchen under my feet.
I run water with bubbles in the sink and use the sprayer to make a lot of suds. Then I take a bowl and scoop the suds off the top for them to play with. They LOVE it and there is no mess. They might even partially clean something by accident. :)

Caution: Could tickle nose if brought in contact with one another :)

Hopefully, nontoxic! He has to taste EVERYTHING.

I like to use this when I am trying to cook and everyone is in the kitchen under my feet.
I run water with bubbles in the sink and use the sprayer to make a lot of suds. Then I take a bowl and scoop the suds off the top for them to play with. They LOVE it and there is no mess. They might even partially clean something by accident. :)
Caution: Could tickle nose if brought in contact with one another :)
Hopefully, nontoxic! He has to taste EVERYTHING.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Dad's Number One
Magan probably wouldn't share this story, but it made me feel good at work yesterday morning. It was my first morning back at work in a while...I had several days off for Christmas then for New Years. Well while at home, Sam and Davis had gotten used to their Dad being there when they woke up, and Davis seeing Dad come in to get him in the morning.
Well on this Monday morning, Magan said that Davis starting crying for "DADA". So she went in to get him, and when he saw her, he laid his head back down and said "NOOOO". Magan, a little irritated, left and the process was repeated once more. On the third try it was time to leave, so Magan just had to finally get him out unhappy that it wasn't Dad. Yeah, I know, a little rotten, but sure makes a Dad feel good.
My little buddy Sam just makes every morning so precious. I wake up fairly early each morning and usually leave the house around 6. Well Sam has started waking around the same time in the mornings and comes into the kitchen while I am making my bfast. He always smiles and comes and gives me a big hug. This morning he told me "I like you Dada". So as I do each morning, I fix his bfast too, and put that with his Milk at the corner of the couch. Turn the TV to the Disney channel, give him a big hug and kiss, and tell him to take care of his Mom and Davis. I never knew how great 6:00am felt.
Sam's new favorite thing to say "No Way"
Davis' new thing that I like hearing him say "Ah-e-Ga-er" Alligator...and he will show you right where it is in his new book.
Well on this Monday morning, Magan said that Davis starting crying for "DADA". So she went in to get him, and when he saw her, he laid his head back down and said "NOOOO". Magan, a little irritated, left and the process was repeated once more. On the third try it was time to leave, so Magan just had to finally get him out unhappy that it wasn't Dad. Yeah, I know, a little rotten, but sure makes a Dad feel good.
My little buddy Sam just makes every morning so precious. I wake up fairly early each morning and usually leave the house around 6. Well Sam has started waking around the same time in the mornings and comes into the kitchen while I am making my bfast. He always smiles and comes and gives me a big hug. This morning he told me "I like you Dada". So as I do each morning, I fix his bfast too, and put that with his Milk at the corner of the couch. Turn the TV to the Disney channel, give him a big hug and kiss, and tell him to take care of his Mom and Davis. I never knew how great 6:00am felt.
Sam's new favorite thing to say "No Way"
Davis' new thing that I like hearing him say "Ah-e-Ga-er" Alligator...and he will show you right where it is in his new book.
The Fireman and the Army man
About a week ago I got a call from a friend Sherry Pouncey. She invited me to drop in for a presale before she had her yard sale the next day. Sam went with me to look and while he was so quietly waiting for me, Sherry gave him a Fireman raincoat and hat. Little did I know that he became a real fireman at that moment and still is a week later.
While we were there Sam also spotted the Fireman rain boots (that were pretty worn out) I told him I had to think buying those and he didn't complain putting them back. Later, after I saw how much he loved the coat and hat, I ran back to her house for the boots.
He was already in bed when I got them so I pu them in the kitchen for him to find the next morning. At about 6:00 the next morning I awoke to a little fireman hat peeking over my bed saying "I LOVE YOU MOMMA" and kissing me on the arm. I laughed a little and told him the same, the next sound I hear are BOOTS stomping around the living room, followed by Davis crying in his bed. Sam ran to my doorway and said "I just have loud boots mom" I couldn't help but laugh at him. All three pieces of his outfit go with him everywhere, and her ever hangs them on his bed at night and puts the boots on the floor beside them. He told me the first time he hung them up there that "That's how the fireman do it"
Lastly, he wore the coat to go out to eat on Sunday after church. On our way in there were 4 firetrucks parked outside of the restaurant and while inside one of them came to talk to Sam. As usual he ducked his head a little being bashful, but when the fireman said that he could come by and sit in his truck some time Sam's eyes lit up.
In the middle of our meal, there was a huge down pour of rain and Sam looked outside and while staring at the water he said "Good thing I got my rain coat" :)
On to army man, our little man Davis is so hilarious lately. He is only as tall as my knee but that little body sees a lot of action. The other night I heard him coming around the corner in full camo with his little arms tucked against his body and fists raised. He looked straight at me and Scott with a serious look on his face and opened fire :)
He may be small but he packs some real action in those little arms.
At the McWain Center with Amy, Joseph, and David
They are hilarious on that floor with the trains! Boys and those transportation vehicles, I will never fully understand why they love them SO much!
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