Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Hug

Magan and the boys were going to meet me at lunch today, but had some errands, and I ended up eating by myself at our cafeteria. I called Magan later, and she said the boys were upset that I was unable to join them. But she was going to Target, so I said I would come over while they are there (just a short 5 minute walk from my building). It was not to hard to find them…went to toys and saw them in the baby section. Davis saw me first and starting pointing saying DaDa…DaDa.

Then Magan turned the buggy down the aisle I was on and Sam came running. He jumped into my arms and hugged me so tight. Even as I started to let go, he kept on hugging. Not the hug that says welcome home Dad, Come on let’s play…Not the hug that is a choke hold challenging Dad to a wrestling match…Not the hug that is more of just a quick required squeeze…But a hug that seemed to last forever, a hug with so much love I have to hold back tears because I love him so much, a little hug in Target that I will remember for a long time.


Magan said...

Softy!!!! :) You almost made me cry too! Love you!

Vaughn said...

that was so sweet Scott! Enjoy those days, one day you will be begging for a hug!

Courtney said...

Brought tears to my eyes! I bet you remember it forever, not just for a long time. :)