About a week ago I got a call from a friend Sherry Pouncey. She invited me to drop in for a presale before she had her yard sale the next day. Sam went with me to look and while he was so quietly waiting for me, Sherry gave him a Fireman raincoat and hat. Little did I know that he became a real fireman at that moment and still is a week later.
While we were there Sam also spotted the Fireman rain boots (that were pretty worn out) I told him I had to think buying those and he didn't complain putting them back. Later, after I saw how much he loved the coat and hat, I ran back to her house for the boots.
He was already in bed when I got them so I pu them in the kitchen for him to find the next morning. At about 6:00 the next morning I awoke to a little fireman hat peeking over my bed saying "I LOVE YOU MOMMA" and kissing me on the arm. I laughed a little and told him the same, the next sound I hear are BOOTS stomping around the living room, followed by Davis crying in his bed. Sam ran to my doorway and said "I just have loud boots mom" I couldn't help but laugh at him. All three pieces of his outfit go with him everywhere, and her ever hangs them on his bed at night and puts the boots on the floor beside them. He told me the first time he hung them up there that "That's how the fireman do it"
Lastly, he wore the coat to go out to eat on Sunday after church. On our way in there were 4 firetrucks parked outside of the restaurant and while inside one of them came to talk to Sam. As usual he ducked his head a little being bashful, but when the fireman said that he could come by and sit in his truck some time Sam's eyes lit up.
In the middle of our meal, there was a huge down pour of rain and Sam looked outside and while staring at the water he said "Good thing I got my rain coat" :)
On to army man, our little man Davis is so hilarious lately. He is only as tall as my knee but that little body sees a lot of action. The other night I heard him coming around the corner in full camo with his little arms tucked against his body and fists raised. He looked straight at me and Scott with a serious look on his face and opened fire :)
He may be small but he packs some real action in those little arms.
At the McWain Center with Amy, Joseph, and David
They are hilarious on that floor with the trains! Boys and those transportation vehicles, I will never fully understand why they love them SO much!
Your kids are so STINKIN' adorable! We love them so much!!
Ha! I love yours too!
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