Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dad's Number One

Magan probably wouldn't share this story, but it made me feel good at work yesterday morning. It was my first morning back at work in a while...I had several days off for Christmas then for New Years. Well while at home, Sam and Davis had gotten used to their Dad being there when they woke up, and Davis seeing Dad come in to get him in the morning.

Well on this Monday morning, Magan said that Davis starting crying for "DADA". So she went in to get him, and when he saw her, he laid his head back down and said "NOOOO". Magan, a little irritated, left and the process was repeated once more. On the third try it was time to leave, so Magan just had to finally get him out unhappy that it wasn't Dad. Yeah, I know, a little rotten, but sure makes a Dad feel good.

My little buddy Sam just makes every morning so precious. I wake up fairly early each morning and usually leave the house around 6. Well Sam has started waking around the same time in the mornings and comes into the kitchen while I am making my bfast. He always smiles and comes and gives me a big hug. This morning he told me "I like you Dada". So as I do each morning, I fix his bfast too, and put that with his Milk at the corner of the couch. Turn the TV to the Disney channel, give him a big hug and kiss, and tell him to take care of his Mom and Davis. I never knew how great 6:00am felt.

Sam's new favorite thing to say "No Way"
Davis' new thing that I like hearing him say "Ah-e-Ga-er" Alligator...and he will show you right where it is in his new book.


Mommy Tracie said...

Sarah did the same thing when Aaron went back to work. It broke my heart. I let her call him when she gets like that. Sweet.

Magan said...

I let him call too, but sometimes it makes it worse :) Sometimes it helps, crazy kids! Never really understand some things.

Vaughn said...

That is so sweet Scott. Zach had a hard time when Todd went back to work (me too!) after the holidays.