He also corrected me at the table while eating with friends. Scott went and got our drinks while I sat with the kids. When he came back and handed me my cup, I must have forgotten to say thank you. Sam jumped on top of that and reminded me "mooom, yous forgot to say tank you" While I am thinking of it, he still has a lot of trouble saying certain letters. I think it is adorable, but since Davis has NO trouble saying any letters I know it is something I need to work on with Sam. I don't want him to get picked on in school b/c he can't say some of the words right. I think it is so adorable when he is saying his prayers. He says at the end of each prayer "dod so dreat, dod so dood, dod so happy" He came up with the happy part all by himself. He also sings Jesus love me, and when it gets to "yes Jesus love me" he sings "Less Jesus loves me" I may have already wrote about this, but it is so cute I want to always remember it.
All of these things are signs that he is getting ready to learn more and be challenged in that way. It makes me sad when I think about the fact that he will be 4 in May and kindergarten in just around the corner. I am looking into letting him go to preschool 2 days a week in the Fall. I really thinks he needs to have a transition period before he is thrown into kindergarten. Oh, it is so hard to let go, so any advice or encouragement in this area would be appreciated.
A note about little Davis. He is so hilarious to me and Scott at the moment. He is so short but so growny at the same time. He plays so imaginatively and yes he did pretend to shoot me with his finger guns when he got mad at me the other day. He also had his first real haircut. I don't know what part of, DON'T CUT HIS CURLS OFF, a hairstylist doesn't understand, but they are GONE! I wanted to cry and did when it happened to Sam (that may have had something to do with my being 8 1/2 months pregnant when it happened to him). This time I held it together and was just thankful he sat in that seat all by himself and let that lady cut it. Sam still needs to sit with his dad to get his done, but he is doing better with being still and letting her mess with him.
In the picture at the top of the boys with one naked arm. Davis did it first and when I asked him if he liked it like that he said Uh, huh. I figured since he usually only swings that one arm when he runs, maybe he was freeing it up for the action.

This is one of the best shots I have of his curls. It doesn't even show them from the back :(
When Savannah was little we could not understand anything that she said. Morgan was the only one that could understand her. We ended up taking her to a speech and hearing clinic when she was about 3 1/2. She has actually continued with Speech Therapy throughout school. She was just released about a month ago and she is in the third grade now. If you are concerned with Sam's speech then you could always have him tested just to be sure there are no problems.
sorry about the curls! your boys (i'll incude scott in that. :) ) are so cute mag! you have such a sweet family!
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