Thursday, December 31, 2020

December Moments

So I will start with a few funny moments over the holidays that I wanted to capture, then try and venture through the pictures below to see what happened during a crazy holiday season.

We almost missed getting to see Santa, and typically that is not a problem, as Santa visits my office building.  But this year, there was no office building visits, but we did hear that Santa was visiting the Bass Pro Shop, and I got us probably one of the last 2 reservations on Christmas Eve Eve.  While he had to wear a face shield, and sit behind plastic, it was nice to get to speak with him and share with him what we would like for Christmas.  Sam mentioned the Call of Duty game, but the rest of the kids just asked for surprises.  And Ruby was surprised when he wanted to sing a song just for her..."All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" he sang, and she grinned from ear to ear because "he didn't even see me smile yet".  After Santa's letter on Christmas morning mentioned that he had seen them all at the Bass Pro shop, Ruby told us that it was the real Santa.  And she again reminded us the "he didn't even see me smile yet, but knew I had lost my teeth".  Magan was up in Cullman, and didn't get to be with us, but she did get to see the cutest video of Santa singing to Ruby.  After the Bass Pro shop, and because we were without Magan, we visited Cracker Barrel to get some vegetables, which Dad does not know how to make.  Altho I think belle got dumplings and mac&Cheese.

Before leaving on December 31, Christopher Popinkins, our Elf, left the girls some cute little elf twins, that we later were told by Anabelle and Ruby that they were the children of Christopher.  The story that was told to Magan was that Christopher either went to the North Pole and got married, or these are the children of him and Snowflake (Anabelle's elf that stays at our house year round).  And they are supposed to take care of these little elfs all year so they can play with Christopher when he returns next December.  

So what is going on below...Christmas Card Picture is below showing us on the beach...The elf in several pictures getting up to no good, hiding candy canes, cooking cookies, throwing toilet paper where it does not below...Pregnant Barbies is currently trending...some new blow up Christmas decorations for the front yard...Belle dressing up like Pooh...Magan's mentee Larken and her christmas gift...Ruby has now lost FIVE teeth...Crazy Hair day at school...Paw Bear made from one of Gary's suits...Making Christmas cookies for Santa...An evening with Donna and Karen (friends from church that invited us over for dinner, and always are so nice to the kids)...Sharing nanny's gifts with her in a 2020 year way...Mountain Biking with the Kirbys, where we found out about a Christmas tradition that they had of going to Huddle House for Christmas dinner, so we joined their tradition and did the same, hahaha, and actually saw them there...And new baby dolls added to the bed (I think these are the ones that MawMaw bought for them)...and lastly a little more about that mountain biking adventure, we rode about 12 miles that day, and I was hurting, but not just from the ride, but the bridge shown in the picture below, I am NOT good on a bike and had to listen to Sam and Davis laugh at me as I barely made it over the bridge, so later when Davis rode it backwards with a slight uphill climb, I said "well I can do that" and started forward,  Only Davis can tell this story best, but he watched as I turned slowly to the right and then dropped off the bridge going over the handle bars onto my shoulder...I am ridiculously horrible riding a mountain bike...haha.