Thursday, December 31, 2020

A Junkin Family Christmas

Well, after a one week delay due to the COVID virus hitting the Davis house, we were able to all get together for Christmas on January 1st, 2021.  I am posting this with a date of 12/31, so it will hopefully be captured in my 2020 blog books.  If you are currently reading this in an actual book, please look to the front of the book and make sure it is labeled as 2020.  If not, please let me know, and I will get it updated.  For anyone reading this from the distant future, just google "book" to see what those were and how they worked.  If you are unfamiliar with the verb form of "google", please use whatever search engine that Elon Musk determined shall be used to search for "book".  

It was nice to see everyone, and get some special time with MawMaw on the porch before all the craziness got started.  And what a beautiful day it was to enjoy being outside (well, the pictures don't reflect that, but believe me, we did venture outside for some time).  Many families were unable to gather, many families lost loved ones this year, many families were hurting due to stressful situations, Many families were without homes due to storms, so as I write these final words of my 2020 blogs, I feel blessed to look down and see the smiles of so many I love.  I look back at a year that brought me closer to my family than ever before.  Don't know what tomorrow may bring, but I am happy for quite a few of the yesterdays I had in 2020.  


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