Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve on Baron Lane

Christmas Evening is always Magan's favorite portion of the holiday season.  On this evening the kids all pick out things for one another, and we only open the presents to each other.  They are so happy for the small things on this evening and appreciative of each thought put into these gifts.  I typically receive lots of candy from dollar tree, and Magan will typically get a coffee mug (From Davis this year).  This year we also added a little extra getting to open our presents from Nanny, since we were unable to have a Ratcliff Christmas this year.  Nanny got me some excellent magnets that were the exact images I have been using for kid's class preparation.  

Sam made gifts again this year on his 3D printer.  He made the girls some shoes, sunglasses, and furniture for the barbie dolls.  He also made a washer and dryer, and even painted the metallic insides and knobs...they looked really good.  For Magan, he did some measurements of the house, and printed an ornament showing the front of our house.  And for me, he printed a large O, which confused me at first, but then is said "Just Cause", and I realized it was a hug for me..."Just Cause"...and it comes from a shared moment that he and I had just a week earlier.  We were sitting on the couch talking about school and florida college winter camp.  I told him how proud I was of the man he was becoming, and we had a really good guy conversation, then I got up to go to the bathroom, and he thought I was getting up for a hug.  As I almost walked past him, I said "Oh, are we doing this?  You wanting a hug now".  Hahaha  we laughed because I had down played a sweet moment, and he overplayed it...but in the end, we gave each other a big hug...Just Cause.  

Magan got me a goal for our frisbee golf, which was awesome, and I got her some pajama pants from Soma.  I had so much fun with the girls telling them I was going to get Mom some pjs from that store.  Belle and Ruby's eyes got big..."No Dad, you can't go in that store.  They have pictures EVERYWHERE with ladies not wearing clothes".  So I told them how I went in with my eyes closed, and ran to the front, but found myself in the changing room with an old lady that slapped me, so I ran out and grabbed the pajamas, paid and left quick.  They giggled and giggled over this story, which made me giggle, and we had a fun time telling this story over and over.  I love these girls and they certainly helped me this year with some fun prep for these presents, and lots of giggly moments.  


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