Sunday, December 20, 2020

Mentor Gingerbread Competition

This was our first annual gingerbread competition with the mentors, and it went really well.  Due to the COVID situation, we had some mentors unable to attend, but Eric Pruitt (Sam's Mentor) was able to attend, and Davis teamed up with Josiah.  I just sat back and took some pictures.  Sam gave the speech about the theme of their house, which included a murder on the front lawn.  The murder scene had not changed as it was winter and things had frozen in place.  He then showed where the murdering gingerbread man had been hiding at the back of the house, which is not the best hiding place.  In what appears to be a parental thing for me to consider more, Davis and Josiahs theme also included a disturbing front lawn scene, but in theirs, it involved a snowball fight that got ugly, and resulted in many bloody snowballs on the front lawn.  Luckily in their case, there were none that did not make it thru the fight.  Sam and Eric were awarded the book "The Worst Christmas Ever" for their "Murder Scene House", and Davis and Josiah were awarded the book "Freddie, the Farting Snowman" for their house.  The only other funny thing I remember of this day was Josiah spilling hot chocolate on his arm, which is caught on a video somewhere in our files.  


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