Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Quick trip to ATL

It was the last week of the year, and I wanted one more trip to Six Flags for me and Davis' passes, but new Magan would like to visit with Courtney Craig, and Aaron was taking his boys on that Tuesday of the week following Christmas.  So we set off with plans for the boys to be at Six Flags, and the girls to hang out and maybe visit IKEA.  But as we got into Georgia, they texted and said that their little girl was also going to six flags, so it was too late (in COVID reservation times) to get tickets for Belle and Ruby.  So it was a fun day at six flags for me and Davis as we rode most rides with hardly any lines...but since most of the Craigs with us did not ride roller coasters, it would have been so easy and fun to have the girls with us.  UGH...Oh well.  Anabelle let me know they still had fun at Courtney's house learning how to use a pressure cooker...and yes, Anabelle laid the sarcasm on with two coats.  I felt so bad for them...I really thought Caroline would be there to play with them, but they were good sports and just talked about the fun things at the house they did get to do.  

It was really great to visit with Aaron, as we just mainly hung out in many places and let the kids go run ride whatever rides they wanted.  There are few people in this world that I actually like to talk to, and Aaron is in that small group.   Always fun to meet up with folks you haven't seen in a long time, and starting up the conversations is like you just were with each other the previous day.  Haha...and can you tell below that our photographer was a new kid, probably one of his first days of a high school job, and those pictures were sooo blurry...I felt so bad for him, he knew they were bad, and wanted to take another, but the kids were already running towards the scorcher.  When a mom is not there, I am doing my best that we got any picture.  And Aaron let all the kids throw a dart and win a superman cape.  Davis got wonderwoman for the girls.  


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