Thursday, December 10, 2020

Night out with Ms. Lisa

We love our friend Ms. Lisa, and she is one of our favorite visitors to the house...either to enjoy some girly talk with Magan...or sharing some laughs with the kids watching a movie. On this night she was able to take the girls to a night at Vulcan Park with the Christmas lights. The girls were SOOOO excited, as this was a big girl event that only they were getting to go to. Ms. Lisa is on the Vulcan tourism board, and does a lot of promoting for Vulcan, including a presentation to their AHG group.

Their trip began with an exciting a later humorous story that Lisa shared with us. Before going to the Vulcan Park, they stopped and chicken salad chick and had some supper. As they were leaving and getting back onto 280 from Lee Branch, Belle realized that she may have eaten a little too much chicken salad, and starting gagging in the car sitting beside Lisa. Lisa then went into sympathy gag mode and also started gagging. Then she handed Belle a cup (regular size) from the restuarant where Belle started throwing up into the cup. This is where Lisa told me that she started hearing a loud cackle of laughter from the back as Ruby thought this was the funniest scene she had ever seen. As the puke rose to the top of the cup, Belle handed it over to Lisa who did amazing as she told us she watched a bit roll over the edge onto her hand. HAHAHA...This is NOT something Lisa can handle well, but both magan and I were impressed that she made it. Then in the pictures below you will see that Belle got a new shirt after this some had also got on her shirt.

But all in all, from the poste on facebook where I pulled all of these pictures, the night went well after a rough start. Hahaha...and kids if you don't remember...ask Lisa what she thought about the Vulcan guy with his scary eyes.

And from Lisa's Facebook Post...
My sweet friend,
. She wasn’t able to go to the Magical nights at
Vulcan Park and Museum
but in the same breath said to bring her girls (Belle 11, Ruby 7) I’m thankful for friends like her, and how amazing it is to have parents that want their kids to create memories always. (
this includes you— obvi!). We shared lots of laughs and definitely made some memories tonight.

Regarding picture with Belle's new shirt:  
This is where the night started...and a long story of how we ended up at waffle house and Belle got a new shirt

Regarding the wooden cutout picture below:  
Ruby: “Hey! Let’s take pictures with that Vulcan!”
Belle (after Ruby gets there first): “Great. Why do I have to be the fat one?”


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