Saturday, September 10, 2022

AHG National Day of Service with Grace Klein

 Another day of service with AHG at the Grace Klein house on the hill.   We brought all the gear to fix some of the signs and one of the benches along Sam's Eagle Scout Trail, Sam was not with us, as he was at the ACT test.   And I think Magan had to work the Giggles and Grace sale on this Saturday, but we picked up Ansley and had a fun workday.  Davis and I stayed outside and cleaned out pots (we just do what we are told, but we washed them out and off, so that someone later could put dirt into them).   Ruby worked with Ansley straightening up a shelf of items for women.   And Belle had another organizing effort with Sarah Beth.  

Little Brynlei Cool could not understand why Mrs. Magan was not there and just kept looking at me confused at why I would not have brought her.  And Mrs. Natalie, the lead from Grace Klein found me to tell me about how great a job both Ansley and Ruby had been doing with their work.   In her cool South African accent, she told me about how they needed hardly any direction at all, and just said OK, and took off getting it done.  Mrs. Natalie also gave Davis and I some ideas for Boy Scout Eagle projects for him.  

We did finish up the fixes needed on the Eagle Trail (Thanks Granddaddy!!).   And we all got a chance to plant some seeds.   The garden outside was set up to help provide veggies to the local community and people in need.   I really love this Grace Klein group and the work they do.   Sam and I periodically wear their shirts with a logo that says "The church has left the building".   Showing love to others outside the church building, always great to be a small part in the work they do.  After a morning of work, all those girls took time on the swing out front, before we grabbed a group picture.  

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