Saturday, September 17, 2022

Coosa Campout

 Davis was excited to go on this scout trip, as it may have been his first ever campout without either me or Sam being with him.  And a Kayaking adventure down the coosa river was not something he was going to miss.   This was Sam's Homecoming Saturday, and I wanted to be there for that also, so there you go...just Davis by himself on this adventure.   

He could not really stop laughing telling me about Grant going down the rapids.   Apparently there was one spot where all the boys were supposed to paddle over to some rocks and take a break before the rapids, but Grant somehow did not make it over in time, and in the midst of his attempt to get to the side, he was pulled into the current going backwards thru the rapids.   He said all you could hear was Grant's high pitched screams as he floated faster and faster down thru the rapids never knowing where he was going.   Mr. Kirby had to rush off after him, and get him off the river further downstream.   Davis said the only funnier thing was the same thing happening to his buddy Isaac, but Isaac never screamed, he just kept saying that his trail mix was going to get wet.   

Davis said there was a really fun place to jump off the rocks into the water, and he found a good lesson being one of the first ones to jump...when he barely bumped his tailbone on the bottom of his first jump, he shared with everyone they better jump out further from the rock.  And I am not a fan of the Low Country Boil for supper, but apparently Davis thought is was amazing.  That guy likes about anything, especially crazy things like crawfish.  

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