Saturday, September 17, 2022

Homecoming Dance? No Dinner?...Maybe just Homecoming Pictures

I still remember walking into my bedroom, overhearing Sam tell Magan that he was taking Lauren to Homecoming, and I had to quickly pop back into the Living Room.   What?  What is happening?  Sam, in perfect teenage style, said, You heard me, then walked off to his bedroom, with me and Magan needing more information.  So yeah, we soon reached out to Brandon and Ashley to see what they could tell us.   But they were the cutest together, with Magan snapping some pictures of them and then with all of Sam's friends too.   Brandon and Sean didn't have a date, so Sean decided that Brandon would be his date.   

After a dinner at Mt. Fuji, Sam, Lauren and some of Lauren's friends went to a breakout room in Birmingham, where they had an adventure even without the breakout room.   Apparently the lady running it that night was drunk or stoned, but not really sure what was happening.   She tried to put Sam and his group twice into rooms where other people were in the middle of trying to escape.   "oops sorry".   And she kept asking about why they were so dressed in multiple times asked the same question.  

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