Sunday, May 5, 2024

AHG Graduation

An AHG graduation without Magan, without Anabelle...Could this really happen?   Well, they were both in Gatlinburg with the choir school trip, so it was just Ruby representing at graduation.  But Granny and Granddaddy also came down to join us, and I was glad they could be there.   The girls all recreated the Mrs. Magan camping skit, since this was Magan's last year as troop coordinator.   But Magan was there in spirit...and in speech...She taped a great speech, and it almost seemed like she was looking at each girl as she told about the fun year we have had in AHG.   It is a special moment where the girls get all their awards, many crossover into the next level, and then get awarded the presidential volunteering awards.   I know Magan would have loved to have been there, but all the girls smiled and laughed at her thoughts during the meeting.   

The boys will not let me forget my blunder of this night.   They called my name to accept the presidential award on behalf of Anabelle, and I typically try to ham it up for the girls, but was caught up on stage standing with the other girls that had been awarded the medal...thinking that Anabelle was the last one getting the award.   This was NOT correct, so I stood there like a big goofball giant among these little girls as 4 other girls were called up to the stage.   Sam sent me a text saying "OK it was funny, now get off the stage", but I did not see any way to exit without drawing even more attention to myself, which was not the intent.   Oh well, glad the boys had something to laugh about.   Mrs. Robbie made a giant poster face of Magan, and it got all the attention after the meeting was over.  Another fun AHG event, and a great year we have had again with the AHG.   

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