Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Middle School Choir Trip to Gatlinburg

This trip began with a pretty cute curly headed girl asking her Dad to go on the school trip this year with the choir group early in the Fall of 2023.   The kids know that family trips take priority on budgeting, but I know that I have had many adventures with the boys, that Magan has not had with the girls.   So Magan went to the first meeting and after hearing about the cost of this trip, I was ok with Belle going, but she was not ok without her Mom going with her.   Apparently finding a room with three other middle school girls is not an easy choice.   So now we were looking at double the cost, and even more cause neither of these girls wanted to share a room either.   Both were surprised when I gave it the go ahead and started paying the monthly costs for this trip.   Then earlier in the spring when we found out about a Disney trip, we looked into cancelling this one, but sometimes credit cards are just easier than paperwork and phone calls, and thus my beautiful little curly and her mom got a fun trip together to Gatlinburg.   

I dropped them off very early one Sunday morning on a charter bus.   Both excited about this trip together, Magan complaining a little about having to wear t-shirts the whole time...her favorite.  Even with her favorite colors...neon.   And they were off, with a plan for the day to reach Pigeon Forge to visit an amusement park on the first day.   The girl with Anabelle in most of these pictures is Amea (you can try the pronunciation, I get it right about 50% of the time) and they were a pretty tight crew during this trip.   Belle described the first park as a never ending group of spinning rides, one that took her upside down still spinning.  There are videos of Belle doing some crazy rides, but not Magan...she skipped these with no problems.   Did I mention they got to eat at a Hard Rock Cafe that first night, so cool.   And of course Magan got some pictures of the clothes and items there.   

They stayed at a nice hotel in Pigeon Forge, and both were pretty amazed at the organization of the parents helping with breakfast for this large group of kids in the morning.   I am sure the other guests at this hotel were not really happy they were there, but looked like my crew was happy.   Belle said it did get a little crazy with all the kids in that lobby area.   

Their first visit on this next day was to Dollywood, as the focus of the trip was to have a choir concert at Dollywood.   But this was ruined by some heavy rain, and their performance was cancelled.   While many of the chaperones and girls went into the shops to wait the rain out, Magan and a few others made their way under the shelter over to a buffet restaurant where they had some home cooking and vegetables only slightly more than their meal tickets allowed for, but Magan and some of the other moms made up the difference, and the girls in this crew were very thankful.   After the rain went away, and the girls were full and ready for the day, I was told the rides were all a walk on for the girls.   And they rode everything.   Well, Mom only rode two rides, but the girls rode everything.   Belle said this was easily the best part of the trip, she was excited to get her "Coat of Many Colors" bear, and told me about this fairy in the picture below that would not stop talking.   Apparently the fairy did not know they were just trying to get a picture.

That night they visited the Dolly Stampede, where you had to eat with your hands, no utensils allowed.   They also got a picture of one cowboy behind them in the arena that apparently reminded them of Ken from the Barbie movie.   I liked the little boot cup they brought home.   

And on the next day they drove into Gatlinburg and visited the Aquarium.   Amea liked this area the best as she had not been to an Aquarium before.   But they also got a chance to travel along the streets in the city and see the taffy being made, buy some caramel apples, eat lunch looking over the streets of Gatlinburg, then make their way up the chairs into the mountains to the bridge overlooking the city.   I am pretty sure this would have tested my fears but the girls had no problems with it.   Magan's videos on this bridge certainly indicated she was struggling with it.   It had a little swing to it, and had a glass floor out in the middle, YIKES!   Belle did say that she encountered a scary old uncle Rico guy that was very interested in these young girls...ugh, but they all warned everyone about scary old uncle Rico.   

Belle loved the pearl necklace she got while in Gatlinburg, and I have never seen anyone cuter in a pink cowgirl hat, so that was another souvenir.   I really love this blog, and wish I could have captured the smiles and tales as well as they told them to me.   I love this first picture below because even as credit card debt racks up, these Belle moments with her amazing mom are priceless.   I love the time they had together.   I can't believe she will be in high school next year.   Time just keeps slipping into the future, but I will stay right here...and I am sure one day come back here for the memories.   

And why not share all the memories, as those girls had one more fun moment on the way back home on the charter bus that day.   Some of the guys did not stop and have a good lunch as Magan, Amea and Belle did, but instead may have just had some candy.   Then we heard later that a stomach virus was slowing making its rounds.   So somewhere shortly before they crossed back into Alabama, one boy puked all over the person sitting next to them, and then left a trail of dribble puke on the way back to the bathroom.   Did they stop that bus?   Nope...just kept rolling as Belle and Magan covered their noses and sprayed "Poo Pouri" everywhere.   Funny later, but no so much in that moment.   

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