Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day with our Mother...Magan

Another Mothers Day to celebrate our amazing mom, and take her out fancy to Captain Ds.   We were all rushing around that morning as usual on Sunday, but the added rush was to get the special picture...maybe we should call it the shrinking momma pictures.   Magan posted many on Facebook, so I just grabbed them and included them here as well.  I will not go into a lot of details, but our preacher, we will call Barry Landis, promised a Mother's Day lesson we would never forget, and if we have already forgotten, I bet all of us will remember it now.   Haha....Oh well, I am sure there were good intentions, and maybe there are mothers days where you should leave not smiling.   But we smiled and laughed as we shared an increasing rare series of moments all riding in the same vehicle over to Calera for our meal.

And Captain Ds at one point was a relatively good cheap and quick meal, but maybe everyone has been reading my blogs and realizing that they should also take their mommas to Captain Ds on this day.   The place was packed, and I had not saved the last coupons, so our cheap and quick meal was not either of those.   First of all, the kids laugh because I am the WORST ordering food.   I don't like the whole experience...they drop me off at the counter and disappear...and allow me to order the seafood feast, but no one likes I go with corn on the cob...but it is a premium veggie (+ cost)...then with people behind me waiting for my giant order to complete, I start doing fish math and realizing we need more fish (+ cost)...the meal has no drinks, and have you ever drank the water out of a Captain D's dispenser?   Nasty, I am positive it pulls from a tank that is connected to a fishtank.   So I ordered some drinks (+ cost) and then wanted a special treat for dessert, so I ordered the funnel cake sticks (also not so good, but have you seen the dessert selections at Captain Ds?...+cost).   So I left the counter at Captain Ds with a $67 total.   We may break tradition going forward...I think we are almost at Cracker Barrel prices.

So that is the "cheap" part, next on this busy day, we sat and sat and sat, and finally a family feast was ready at the front, and a guy came in to pick up his togo order, and it was his.   So then more people starting getting their meals with numbers much higher than ours.   And when I went to the front, they realized that the togo order guy got our order.   Ugh...they did work fast at that point to get us our meal, but it was a large order.   haha, and I was incorrect earlier.   I ordered a gallon of tea instead of drinks, to which all the kids made fun off as it was more expensive than just two drinks that could have been refilled with anything we wanted.   But again, I was left all alone at that register, and my mind blanks out.   I had a Freddy's cashier last night say directly to my face as I was ordering "You look like you are all over the place".   Ha, she should see me when I am on drugs.   

I don't remember much more of this meal.   Like most things, they are really no issues at all.   Everyone is smiling and laughing, it is only my inner monologue screaming at the cost and slowness of the meal that pulls me slightly into my own little world.   But in that world, I do glance over and notice that the kids pick on each other and smile at each ones stories, no one takes out their phone (Magan...Magan...put your phone up at the table), we silently sing the MOTHER song that granddad probably made up, and I look over at my beautiful bride and thank God that she is the mother of my children.   She is pretty amazing in all she does, and I see so much of her in each of the kids.   I love you Magan, and if you ever read these, hopefully I have gotten you that steak I promised you by now.   

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