Thursday, May 30, 2024

Universal 2024 - Day 6 (Islands of Adventures with Fam)

Another early morning to hit the early park hours at IOA, but just 15 minutes later, and with summer crowds finally showing up, our spot in the line was significantly farther back than on the previous day.   We still got into the park early, but by the time we got to the fork of either Hagrids or Velocicoaster, Hagrids was already backing up to that point in another we made the quick decision to hit the Jurassic ride.   And it was great, absolutely no line at all.   So what do you do?   You jump in line again, and maybe had a 5 minute wait.   At this point, we all needed a break, and all were laughing at Mom's crazy hair and her shirt falling off after two fast runs from the raptors.   The coaster was much better today, as when you don't wait 70 minutes for a ride, the overall experience increases dramatically.   We then played with some wands for awhile in HP land, and really just tried to have an easier day, since we had done pretty much everything.   We did have another breakfast we had to use over in US, so we took hogwarts express over for breakfast.   

After gringotts, the boys broke off from us to do their own thing for awhile, then met back up with us on the streets of Hollywood at a really cool vintage 80s store.   I met up with Dora the Explorer and we talked about our cool back packs.   And after lunch and before heading back to IOA, we got our free ice cream...or at least they did, I avoid all cream on hot days in a theme park.   On the way back to IOA on the hogwards express, Davis will remember that as he tried to vanish through the 9 3/4 wall, he forgot that there was actually a you can't see it in the picture below, but in the video you can see him running into the wall.   Ruby ran into the sweetest lady on the train that picked her out and awarded her with some fastpasses (anything except Hagrids)

Back at IOA, we met back up with the whole crew and rode the Jurassic River Adventure together.   Then when we found out we had exactly 6 that wanted to get super wet on the Rip Saw Falls, Ruby offered up her fastpasses of Aunt Melissa and some cousins...and all came off that ride completely drenched.   I think all were pretty much complete with the parks on this day, so we all wandered back to ride Dr. Doom freefall, and while here, another lady and her kids handed Granny another set of fastpasses.   So she, Wyatt and Ruby were able to visit and ride Spiderman.   Both of these fastpasses saved about 45 minutes of time.   And perfect little treats at the end of the day.   The boys and Belle had a fun time visiting with Spiderman.   And he was apparently much more talkative on this day than when he was with me and Ruby.   

Random memories of this day...Granny retiring from the Velocicoaster after riding with Wyatt...Andrew telling his mama that she is squishy...Ruby spitting crackers at me and laughing about the floss (Ruby, I don't remember why we thought this was so funny, but I love when you get this tickled)...Some pictures misplaced from other days down below...The kids wanting to ride the escalator as their last ride of the day...Kreacher peeking out the window from the second floor apartment...

And then our supper that evening was at Hard Rock Cafe.   It was a really great meal, we ate much better than usual, I feel like I can always eat better and cheaper than Disney here.   Sam and Davis are hilarious and just keep eating everything.   Nothing is let go, all get moved over to Sam and Davis.   Then the giant pretzel sundae on top of everything else.   And there are moments in every vacation that I wish I could just relive over and over again, and this meal was one.   I somewhat get lost in my inner world sometimes forgetting to talk or interact, but outside that world, I just watched two brothers laugh and pick on each other.   Girls that lean against each other, both full and using each other as pillows, and Mom laughing her "almost not real" HahHah laugh.   It is these moments that are priceless.   The girls just naturally grab a hand of mine or a brother (well, maybe just Sam) as we walk back to the hotel bus. And Magan and I just smile at each other from across the table...both our hearts and credit card a little more full.   

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