Sunday, September 22, 2024

A Visit from Bob-O

Our good friend from CRF that I have spent two weeks with in Honduras and a week with in the DR texted me, and let me know he would be in the Chelsea area, and wanted to come to worship with us.   His daughter Madden is visiting some college campuses (Auburn and Ole Miss) and they would be passing through.   Bobby is CEO of CRF, but he describes it as the Chief Encouragement Officer, and he does an excellent job in areas around the world encouraging the CRF workers, and loving on the kids they support.   That morning after the lesson, he shared with the congregation a few words about the work of CRF, and how the sponsorship helps things work in these areas.  

Bobby goes all over the world, but takes a little Mogwai Gizmo everywhere.   He posts on Facebook as Bob-O in pictures from various locations.   We were excited on this Sunday, Bob-O was at the Chelsea church.  After the service, we invited all the Honduras team members over to the house with Bobby to visit.   This was much better than trying to find a restaurant and have any chance to talk and catch up.   It was a great visit, and before they left, Bobby said I have to get Bob-O for this picture, when he saw our front lawn decorations.   I cracked up when he said "This is like Mt. Rushmore" for Bob-O.   He was sent away with some of Mrs. Denise's cookies, and Magan made him some Chocolate banana bread.   And we all picked on Davis because we thought the real reason for the visit was Madden wanting to see those beautiful lashes.   And I also shared with everyone that while it was great to have Bobby and Madden at our home, the real guest of honor was Baby Charlotte, as it was her first time at our house.   

After he left, Ruby sadly told me she never got to meet Bobby.   I had forgotten to introduce her, and since she was downstairs, I completely forgot.   Bobby is great with kids, and I told him in text of my failure.   He said "Oh man, tell Ruby I saw her several times and was going to say hi, but I did not want her to think "Why is this weird old man talking to me", so gotta make sure we come back again.   He said that Ruby needs to come hang out with him and Madden in Honduras.   

He also told me about meeting Wimp Sanderson (former Alabama basketball coach) that morning at church.   He said when he told him what he was there for, Wimp said "Preacher must not be here today".   But Bobby got up after the preacher, and he said he almost laughed out loud when he got in front of the church, and Wimp stood up and walked out...knowing how these missionary guys liked to talk.   

And one last Bobby story...He texted me the following Tuesday, and said "Hey my friend, do you mind giving me a little spiritual advice.   I really trust your opinion".   Wow, I did not know how to respond, but said sure, I will try and help.   Then he said "The question is, if you eat over half the loaf of that amazing banana bread in one sitting, do I need to go forward Sunday to ask forgiveness for being a glutton...asking for a friend".   haha.   I was not ready for that 180 at all.   


1 comment:

Bob-0 said...

This Bobby Character seems like a piece of work. If I were sitting in the back, I would have walked out with ole ball coach Sanderson myself. Great post, I was serious about my banana bread question.