In Charlotte, I told the boys of the Gunslinger Bully Bully and his quest to find the magic tower that holds all of the worlds together. He first traveled across the mighty desert fighting in an abandoned town with the army men from Toy Story, where he finally caught up with the Man in Black...Lotso. I think they enjoyed my modified version of Stephen King's masterpiece.
This last picture also reminds me of some tough times getting these boys to sleep, but also something that happened while these boys got to share a bed for so many nights...they became really close buddies and starting talking and laughing together a lot more. Even at home this summer, I would go into their room hearing laughter well after we put them to bed, and find either Sam in Davis' bed or Davis in Sam's bed. Yes, they still fight enough to drive me crazy, but they are really good friends and have started playing together much better.
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