Monday, August 15, 2011

Road Trip 2011 - Washington DC (Smithsonians)

Our day began on the Metro, with me showing Sam and Davis how we were to travel on the Orange line from Dunn-Loring down to the National Mall station. It was a little confusing figuring out how to purchase the metro cards, but after figuring it out, we were off. The Metro gave us some troubles on this day that would end up being a very long day. It began with an elevator that was not working, so we carried the stroller down the escalator. Good so far, but then we waited and waited for our ride, but none came. Then a track fixer upper train came by...and let us know we were not going to get on this side, but fortunately a train came on the other track and took us toward our destination.

Finally at the national mall, we exited to not another broken elevator , but NO elevator. Up we went to the Smithsonian Castle.

While in the Smithsonian castle, we decided to eat lunch. This was not a good lunch, and we paid a lot for this Smithsonian lunch. Their food was rediculously high. But after lunch, me and my boys had an appointment at the same time. The picture below is one that most Dads never get the chance to catch. A moment of Father and Sons together (Dave is in the middle, Sam on the far end), chatting to one another, knowing that no matter what happens, it will all work out in the end. :) I am just glad Magan was able to help capture this image. :) I am trying to talk Magan into letting me hang an 8X10 of this in our master bathroom. Perhaps in a Black and White pic.

Hmmmm...I can't think of a good segway here. Our next stop was the Air and Space Musuem.

Sam thought this teddy bear was so funny, and just had to have a picture of him.

Me and Sam and Davis got to go into the SKYLAB! The predessessor of the International Space Station! It did not live up to the hype, I think that is because it was on the planet Earth. Much cooler if you go in the Skylab while in space.

I can not remember why Belle is upside down in this picture. Probably because she was screaming because she was not with her momma.

The little amigos again...always finding places to hide.

(Above) we found this model in the downstairs area of the space museum store. This was another difficult part of this day. Magan stayed upstairs to pay for everyones souvenir...but Sam is the hardest kid to find something he likes...well something less than $100. Then I make it back with Sam and Magan is looking stressed out and tells me that we missed out on a bargain to get 10% off if we became Smithsonian members for a very cheap price. Well, she goes back in to make this change, as Sam finally figures that he will get a bag o marbles (solar system marbles they were). Magan was braver than I as she held up the lines as they made a return and then paid for the exact items again, now with the marbles and 10% discount. So in the end we got the marbles for free...but possibly lost some marbles (figurative) in the process.

Great family picture below, but Belle was knocked out...and we didn't realized there was a massive cup in front of her.

The museum of Natural History was next, and it was so funny to hear belle when she woke up with all of those animals. She just screamed and hollared at every one. This was definately more fun for her than those airplanes.

It was crazy the difference between these museums and the Creation museum we just toured in Cincinatti. The Smithsonians had all of these signs about us coming to meet our ancestors...the monkey. We finally made it to the American History museum and wanted to eat supper there...but everything closed about 15 minutes before we got no luck with the meals this day.

Not alot of kid friendly areas in the Smithsonians, but this one was nice.

From the pictures we took, I would say Magan and I are more interested in American Pop Culture than American History.

Magan went on the First Lady outfit exhibit...WOW, I am so happy I missed this. I feel pain just looking at this picture of the exhibit. Lastly, before we left the smithsonians, we went to see the Star Spangled Banner. That was pretty neat, and Sam and Davis still talk about seeing the biggest flag.

Outside our plan was to finally eat supper at one of the little National Park Service quick service place on the mall (hot dogs, chips, etc...), but again we got there 15 minutes after it closed. Tired and exhausted, we decided the whitehouse was not worth the short distance up to the monument, so we headed back to the metro.

Back on the metro, we were finally able to relax...and with all of our stomachs growling, we were only one stop away, and...."Ladies and Gentlemen, all passengers must depart at this station, I repeat, all passengers must depart at this station"...SERIOUSLY, ONE stop away. So we get out to wait for the next train that would complete our journey. So exhausted we move from our seats and exit the metro to wait with the other hot exhausted stinky other DC folk. Then as we are waiting, Davis starts squirming and gave me the look that I knew he needed to pee...Again, I do not believe the metro is designed for any little boys that need to pee, so I took off with him up the stairs to exit this metro station. We ran out and into the first patch of woods we came hoping the whole time that we do not miss the train. Davis did his business, then I talked the metro guard to let me through without having to pay again, back down the stairs...and still waiting for the train. Finally another train arrived, we climbed aboard for one stop, got off and got some supper. Sheww...what a day.

Back at our DC home, Davis had to put his model together right away, so we worked on it and it made him happy. Sam starting playing with his marbles, and as of right now, I believe we only have 2 of those initial 15. Oh can see it made them happy that day.

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