Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Road Trip 2011 - Charlotte (IKEA and DiscoveryPlace Kids)

IKEA...IKEA...IKEA!!!! Did I mention I did not have to go? Yeah! This was the day Magan had been waiting for the whole trip. Our hotel was 2 miles from IKEA. So off she went with the kids, with only a minor warning from me that we had very little room available in our van for anything we buy. It looks like from the picture above, that the boys just treated IKEA like another museum and grabbed some toys and started playing in one of the already set up rooms.

After IKEA, they had a couple of hours to go visit the North Charlotte DiscoveryPlace Museum for kids. I think that by this time, Magan was about fed up with the museums. But this place was fun for the kids I am told, but did not have good boundaries to keep Belle from stair areas. Magan said that she had walked over to see what Davis was building at one time, and then saw Belle heading towards the stairs, so she jumped up and ran...then tripped and fell right on her face. She said everyone was nice and at least smiled at her as she picked herself up and finally hobbled over to Belle.

Davis just joined me as I was writing these blogs, so I asked him what he was doing in the doctor picture. He said he was listening for her heart beat, but she didn't have one. She didn't make it. But at the grocery store later in the day, he was able to pay for all of his groceries.

Belle loves the cows, she calls out to them every Sunday on our way to church as we pass a...cow field.

For supper, we went to a Japanese steakhouse. The kids did well even with the big fire. The volcano was a good trick, and as usual, the chopsticks were the best toys ever.

Back at home and ready for bed. This reminds me of how Sam and Davis constantly asking me to pause a show they were watching when we were leaving. And they were mad when I would not fast forward through the commercials. Wow, the DVR generation...forced to watch live tv.

And Davis thought it was neat that all of these hotel rooms kept surfing boards in the closets. Hahaha...or you might also call it an ironing board.

And a missed Sam story from Pittsburgh...Magan was carrying Sam as we were going to the Fort in Pittsburgh, and as he bumped against Magan it apparently was different than when Dad held him. Magan said he started going "Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy" and laughed at her when she grinned at him.

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