Sunday, August 14, 2011

Road Trip 2011 - Pittsburgh (Station Square)

After figuring out how to get to Station Square the previous night, Magan took the kids over there the next day to do some shopping and to go up the Mountain...Up the Monongehela Incline which used to bring workers up and down the mountain. I am guessing this is more of a touristy thing now.

Did I mention that Sam became a big PIRATES Fan...and Magan bought him the coolest Pennant. You will begin seeing this in many pictures. I have never been up to the top, but this is a place magan took Sam and Davis when we were here last time. The view looks pretty nice.

There are also lots of shops at Station Square, so they got to go shopping as well. The little mall also had a play area, which it appears the kids had a fun time ON and IN.

That evening I was able to join the family for dinner. We decided to walk around the downtown area a bit. We made it to the base of the PPG building. Granddaddy said he made it to the 15th floor one time. Then we tried a local favorite...Primanti brothers. There specialty seems to be that the put the fries ON the sandwich. That was something they did for the steel workers that only could carry a sandwich and drink...steel workers want fries too! So stick them fries on the sandwich. was ok...Magan and I were not real impressed.

I don't think the big city life is for our family. After our visit to Primanti Brothers, we then walked down to Fort Pitt (Or where it once stood, now just a big park). It was OK, but Magan thought people were following us and chasing us. Even after we stopped at the McDonalds, they were still chasing us. But we made it back to the hotel safe.

Either Sam or Davis took a good picture below. The Fort in its day was huge, they have left a concrete outline of where the fort once stood that you could probably look at with Google if you wanted to. But there was also a huge field where they had crops into the now city of Pittsburgh. All of the crops were used to feed the soldiers in the Fort. OK, that was as far as I read on the wall behind me in that picture.

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