This was actually the one place magan and I were a little afraid of, because we had a reservation for a room with only 1 bed. This was all I could reserve to get my companies special rate, and to get the two beds was going to be double the price. So we arrived at the hotel and got to experience valet service from the car to get into the hotel. The guy was great stacking all of our luggage on one roll cart. I have no idea how he managed but it worked. I am sure he was just excited to get to drive the Honda Oddyssey. But here is where a Southern boy from Alabama is way out of his comfort zone...tipping valet people. So inside the hotel we went and this place had an awesome lobby area, there is probably a picture somewhere in these blogs. I then gave the valet guy a 5, hands shaking a little to try and get comfortable with the luxuries of this hotel.
I then went to check in and nicely asked if there was any available rooms at my conference rate with two beds. He looked behind me to see Sam and Davis swinging from the rollcart, and I guess decided to give us a break. He sent us to the 10th floor and then called for a bellboy to help us the rest of the way. But here is where a Southern boy from Alabama is way out of his comfort zone...tipping bellboys... Anyway, we got to our room and it was amazing, about twice the size of a normal room with plenty of room for the kids to run around. WHICH THEY DID! And we made it to the last thing on the rollcart before Sam decided to help and after saying that is not a good idea, He dumped the cooler over spilling ice and water all over the hotel hallway. I silently tipped the bellboy and closed the door for him to clean up our mess.
The Pittsburgh Zoo has a very unique entrance, since much of this area is very hilly. After getting your tickets you must either go up a 4 story escalator or take the elevator. Because of the bad weather, we were informed that both were not we must climb the stairs of the escalator. Magan took the diaper bag and Annabelle out, as I prepared to take the stroller up. But as we got to the escalator, Two of the guys that work at the zoo came over to take the stroller up. So Magan had already started the trek up, I grabbed Davis' hand, and the guys brought the stroller up behind me. At the top of this Everest-like escalator, Magan turns around to see me watching these guys bring up our stroller and says...well I think this is what she said...It sounded something like Darth Vader breathing as she said "What, you didn't help with the stroller, and you let me carry Belle and the diaperbag". I never really even thought about it, but it was actually sort of funny. At least it was to me, I did not do well trying to convince her of the funniness of the story.
Magan likes the ostrich. For what reason, I do not know. Now the elephant, that is a cool animal.
Annabelle liked the monkeys, and they had little areas that she thought were her own to sit and watch them. And the polar bear was pretty neat below, they had a cool underground tunnel below the water, where we got to watch him swimming. The underwater area also had great for Sam. He was very happy because he had also worn his shark shirt.
Sam and Davis got to ride in the little log ride above, but were both not very happy cause it went so slow. They then got to stick their heads in the meerkat exhibit. We did pretty well with the weather at the zoo mainly because we made it to the large indoor aquarium right before the bottom dropped out. The picture above is the last of the day, because our camera died somewhere between here and watching the polar bear swim right above us holding his massive paws over his eyes as if playiing peek a boo with us. Yeah, it would have been a good picture, if we had only plugged our camera in. Oh well. We also went to the Pittsburgh Childrens Musuem as well on our way back to the hotel. It was great, but no pictures...Magan took the kids there the next day, so I gues that will be the next blog.
Here are a couple of pictures of our lobby. Sam, Davis and I went up to the top and got the picture of Mom and Belle down below. We finished our day eating at the restuarant here in the was really good. The bbq pork perogies (pittsburgh favorites) were delicious.
Back in our hotel, the kids were playing in the bathtub. Davis had bought a big shark at the zoo so he could play with it in the tub. magan told me that she heard him playing in the tub all by himself singing a little tune to himself "Just taking a bath...Just taking a bath..Just taking a..."then he screamed "AGHHHHHH a shark". Funny Kid.
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